Compare how death or the threat of death is presented in the poems you have studied

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Compare how death or the threat of death is presented in the poems you have studied?Death or threat of death is an element which is present in the poems The Laboratory, Havisham, Hitcher and My Last duchess and is used to present the characters feelings, characters personality and relationships. This element of poetry can be presented in different way and I will be looking at the different ways that they are presented. Revenge is one way that can be argued of how the threat of death is presented in the poems The Laboratory and Havisham. Similarly the speaker in Havisham and The laboratory are both psychotic character which are both out to kill somebody which has hurt their feelings. In the laboratory browning uses the following rhetorical question to show that the speaker is looking to revenge somebody by killing them “which is the poison to poison her, prithee?”. This could be seen to present the threat of death as this suggests that the speaker is out to kill somebody as she is carefully selecting what poison to poison her with, also giving the idea that speaker is serious about poisoning her as the speaker wishes the world to know that she is going to kill somebody by going round and asking
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rhetorical questions which suggest to people she out to kill. However in Havisham Duffy uses the following metaphor to suggest that the speaker is looking for revenge by murdering them “ ropes on the back of my hands could strangle with”. This could mean that the speaker is so angry for revenge that she strangle him with the veins on the back of her hands, which presents the threat of death as this gives the idea that the speaker is unstable and cannot control herself not to kill him. Unlike the speaker in Havisham the speaker in the laboratory is ...

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