Compare the two books Frankenstein and Jurassic Park and pay particular attention to the language used, time in which the book was written and any other issues raised.

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Daniel Freeman 11v1

Compare the two books Frankenstein and Jurassic Park and pay

particular attention to the language used, time in which the book was

written and any other issues raised.

I am going to be looking the following two books in this essay Mary

Shelly's Frankenstein and Michael Chricton's Jurassic Park.

Frankenstein is a fictional biography of a man by the name of Victor

Frankenstein. Frankenstein is a man who has been heavily involved in

science his entire life, but he is not into the conventional sciences

his interests are within the more alternative sciences. These

interests result in Frankenstein having a radical new idea. He desires

to create a living creature using the `spare parts' of deceased human

beings. But when he meets his goal he is filled with regret as he

learns what he has created is far from human and never could be. And

if it had any kind of existence it would be an unbearable and painful

one. His creation would be forced to hide within the shadows of

society and treated as an outcast when his only desire is to be

accepted as a human. But he knows the only reason he can't is because

of his gruesome looks. As the story continues Frankenstein's fears

pretty much come true, and as the monster experiences more of humanity

he realises he doesn't want to be part of it, just get revenge on it.

The monster soon goes after his creator Frankenstein but instead of

killing him straight away the monster makes it more painful and just

kills all those close to him. But then you read about on

Frankenstein's dieing day and his monster visits him but it is too

late Frankenstein is dead and his monster is surprisingly devastated

and wishes death upon himself as well.

Michael Chricton's Jurassic Park is a story about a man

named John Hammond who has discovered a new way of cloning dinosaurs.

He with the help of a select few scientists end up creating a sort of
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theme park filled with living breathing dinosaurs. But one of the

parks employees is paid to sabotage the project. The story then

changes into a escape story for those remaining people on the island

as all the dinosaurs have been freed as part of the sabotage and they

need to get off the island.

The two books are very similar in many ways even though

the time periods they were written are so far apart. In both books

they science fiction story line; this is aided even more by the fact

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay


Some good points made but not always expressed as coherently as they could be. Make sure that if you are comparing two texts that is actually what happens and very specific similarities and differences are considered. 4 Stars