These episodes of bullying had gone on for days now and thoughts of suicide had begun to come into my head. It would be much better if I did commit suicide, I would be free from all the pain. O would be free from this life. It would be good way to die, making all the people that treated you poorly feel bad about their actions and feeling like they should’ve treated you a lot better. Many options were open to me, I had thought of jumping off a bridge, maybe lying on the train track, the more I thought about them the more I wanted to go ahead.
All this deep-felt thinking meant that I was oblivious to the time, it had creeped up on me and was now 5 o’clock, time for me to go to my scouts group, one of the few things that I enjoyed, that got me through my day. I was no late. I strolled through the front door but the longer the more I speeded up to get there on time. If I hadn’t have been in such a hurry I might have seen them as they approached, they members swarming around me. They with their gelled up hair, designer jeans and fist trailing at their sides like guns ready to fire at any time.
I didn’t notice the danger beginning to lurk closer, their feet on the soft crunch as they walked ever closer one step after another. When I did realise it was too late, my head was already yanked beck just to receiving a tight fisted punch onto my nose. I feel to the ground hard, silently curing as the sharp tarmac began to bite into my skin. The dirt invaded my senses, assaulting my taste buds with their sickening flavour. My heart pounded as I was left defenceless as I tried to push myself off the floor.
The leading tormentors face loomed above mine. The boy’s cocky smile accompanied by his mad eyes showing no care about victim lying on the floor in pain. Another boy began to rip open my bag, throwing all my equipment, books and maps everywhere. He began tearing up survival guide and book after book hit the groin as the people laughed harder at each one.
Spectators began to circle like sharks, all laughing at the show before them, eager for the next kick or punch. The girls watched too, some pretended to disapprove calling out the tormentors. But most still joined in the kicking and punching form a huddle of people all eager to hurt me. I was beginning to feel pain like I had never felt before, I felt as if I was about to die, the next action would be one I regret for the rest of my life. I wanted revenge on everyone and I panicked. With one swift motion I managed to grab my pocket knife from my back pocket, and promptly began to stab, at someone, anyone, I just wanted revenge. The yells of laughter quickly became screams of fear, and it then I realised what I had just done. I had just kill a women. I watch as the red liquid oozed out her neck and began to paint her blonde hair red, I watched as she tumbled to the ground, but the one thing I would never forget is the look on her face.