Critical response to 'Z for Zachariah'.

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The book I read is ‘Z for Zachariah’ by Robert C. O’Brien.  I enjoyed this book because it contained few but excellent characters and is full of mystery and suspense.

‘Z for Zachariah’ is about a sixteen-year-old girl, called Ann Burden who thinks she is the only person to survive a nuclear war.  However, as her diary entries progress, you learn of a person in a green suit who is pulling what looks like a trailer covered with the same green material as the suit approaching Ann Burden’s valley.  Later in the diary you find out that the person is a man who had been an industrial chemist before the war, working for the Government designing a suit to protect people in the event of a nuclear explosion.   His name is Mr Loomis and he is wearing the only one of these suits.  When Mr Loomis finally arrives in the valley, he is amazed by the fact that there is water, which appears to be safe but Mr Loomis makes one severe mistake.  When he checks the water for the level of radiation with his Geiger counter he in fact checks the clean water in the stream but then goes on to venture further down the valley, where he finds Ann Burden’s home where the polluted Burden Creek is nearby.  Once Mr Loomis has seen inside Ann’s house (where Ann has cleverly hidden any clues that could show the visitor that there has been people living there recently) he then proceeds towards Burden Creek in the hope of getting his first bath in probably months. However, not realising that the stream and Creek are not connected and in fact the Creek runs into the valley from over the hill where the pollution is, he jumps right in.  Within a very short period of time after Mr Loomis has had his bath he became very ill, as he had been exposed to a lot of radiation.  When Mr Loomis becomes sick Ann then realises she will have to help him and that is when she first shows herself.  Ann's diary entries take you through the events that happen when she is and is not in the company of Mr Loomis.

My favourite part of the book is the first three diary entries.  In these diary entries Mr Loomis has not yet arrived in the valley however Ann has seen smoke from over the hill for three days, which she presumes is from a human made fire because it is in a thin column that it rises.  The smoke comes at the same time everyday, in late afternoon.  Each afternoon the smoke is nearer to Ann's home.  I like this part of the book the most because in it you find out what it has been like for Ann being alone for so long because her family left her to look for other people and had never returned.  It is interesting to read Ann's thoughts of being excited and scared that she may in fact not be the only person left in the world.  It is obvious why Ann would be excited about someone else coming into the valley but maybe not so clear why she would be scared.  Ann is scared because after the nuclear explosion some radio stations had still broadcasted, but towards the end of them broadcasting the presenters seemed to be going crazy.  Here is a quote from the second diary entry which will explain why Ann is scared "Suppose a car came over the hill, and I ran out, and whoever was in it got out - suppose he was crazy?  Or suppose it was someone mean, or cruel, and brutal?  A murderer?  What could I do?"  After this quote, you realise that Ann is a very sensible and careful person because she decides to move her things to a cave nearby her home and make it look as though no one has lived in her house.  That way she can watch whoever is coming into her valley and if they are crazy or mean she can stay in the cave unbeknown to the visitor and wait until they leave.  At the end of the third diary entry Ann has still not seen anyone but knows that they are camping at the crossroads and exploring North, South, East, West and when they come into the South they will find Ann's valley.

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The most remarkable character in the book I think is Ann Burden.  She is careful, mature, kind, helpful, sensible, confused, and strategic/logical.  In the following paragraph I will explain why Ann Burden is all of the things I have just said:  

The reason I think Ann is careful is because when Mr Loomis is first entering the valley she goes to the cave to live there as she does not know if Mr Loomis is ‘safe.’  During the book ‘Z for Zachariah’ you realise that in fact even though Ann is only sixteen she is more mature than ...

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