Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary

April 15th 2000

 Dear Diary,

I don’t know whether to be happy or sad..

I suppose I’m sad. But then I’m happy.. I don’t know!!

I guess I should tell you. We’re moving to China!

 I guess the weirdest thing will be adjusting to life there.. Do you think they have TV’s there? Shit! I can’t live without Neighbors! Plus I’ll miss Alex so much! She’s like the bestest friend in the whole wide world! What will I do! But like living in china will be so cool! I can like finally make use of my 7 years of learning mandarin. We’re leaving at the end of the school year… COOL!

Anyways got to go… mums being annoying again

April 25th

Dear Diary,

        I meant to write you sooner, but I just been busy. I’ve had to pack most of my stuff up so dad can send them by sea to china. It’s weird looking at my empty room. We’re moving into a hotel in Melbourne, its called The Ridges Carlton Hotel, and we’re staying in a suite thingie which kix ass! We got like a kitchenette thing and everything! Dads job is so cool! I’m gonna miss Ali so bad! I told her we’re leaving and she’s really sad about it as well. I really don’t wanna go in a sense, but in another sense I do! I don’t know really how to explain it. Oh well….. Cya

June 3rd

Dear Diary,

I can’t believe it! Dylan asked me out! We were coming back from church, and he said exactly

“ So, Britty, You wanna like.. Watch a movie some time? Like.. as a couple? “

Wow I had been waiting for him to say that for so long I had almost given up on him! Obviously I said yes and we’re gonna go n watch the exorcist on Friday night!

June 28th

Dear Diary

Sorry I haven’t written for a while, I’ve been really busy. I don’t wanna leave Australia ever! I just want to live here to the rest of my life and not be bothered. I’m so depressed.  Why is it always me with all the problems. DAMN. We’re leaving in 2 days. I guess this will be my last entry in Australia. We’re leaving on Sunday…

Tomorrow I have a leaving party at the church. It’s cool, whenever a valued member of our church leaves they hold a party. But still I don’t wanna leave I don’t want to leave all my friends and I most of all don’t wanna leave Dylan. DAMN. Anyways…….. School ended like on Wednesday n its Friday now.  2 more days left here…. I don’t want to go.. I wonder if they’ll have church there? They better because I don’t know what we’d do without church.  Like me and my family are deeply religious and stuff like totally into Christianity. Oh well I guess they do have churches there. Well they have to don’t they?

Dad’s all depressed because moving to china will involve him spending a lot of money. He needs to buy a house there and a lot of other stuff. But if he moves to china with us, his salary triples, which means we should be pretty rich!!! Oh I don’t wanna go!

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July 4th

Dear Diary

Independence day my … foot..  We’re basically in the middle of nowhere and josh and I gotta start school in like! 3 days! Damn.. I wish I was back at home with Ali Dylan…. We’ve been here for like 4 days and can’t find a bluddy church anywhere. The Chinese people here all come up and stare at my straw blonde hair as it’s a sign of the devil or something. The whispers I hear. I don’t know whether its just me, or not, but more people seem to whisper more when I ...

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