"Defend the argument that 'Romeo and Juliet' is much more concerned about asking questions about responsible and irresponsible behavior than it is about exploring romantic love."

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“Defend the argument that ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is much more concerned about asking questions about responsible and irresponsible behavior than it is about exploring romantic love.”

The first thoughts that come into most people’s minds when they think of Romeo and Juliet are thoughts of love and romance. This is in fact not true. The plot does contain quite a lot of elements of love and romance, but the predominant theme is definitely asking questions about one’s responsibility and irresponsibility.

The first thing to note is that Romeo and Juliet are not really in love. He falls in love with her at first sight, but surely this is not true love: probably just a crush, or infatuation. Romeo is not the romantic character that he is made out to be by people having not analyzed the text .their relation, whether it be love or not, was certainly not something to die for. In fact, taking their own lives was the most foolish decision made in the story.

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Shakespeare deliberately foregrounds the speed at which all the events of the play unfold (five days in total) to show the reader (or spectator) the incredible irresponsibility of the characters: the first day two young people fall in love, the next day they are married, and four days later they have both killed themselves: surely something went wrong!

First, let us define irresponsibility. People take irresponsible actions when they do not think properly or in enough detail. They decide things off the top of their heads and often these decisions are the wrong ones.

Almost every character ...

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