Like many science fiction novels that deal with very different places, this novel deals with very different life forms. In this novle the spechies the time travvle meets is ‘the eloy’ and ‘the morlocks. Wells continues to describe the 2 speches thrugh outthe novle ‘he was a slight creature perhaps 4 feet high’- the elloys and ‘half blonded and the colour ofn worms’- the morlocks, and alogh it seem that these creachers are undesirbull and primtive, again ther si a stage sens of fmiliarty that wells enables the reade to asoseyat with humans ‘the elioy had kept to much human form not to claim my sympthey’. This arises the idear that wells it trying to get arcross that the morlocks and the eloy are what mankin g may evolv into.
Although the idea that mankind, at the time when the novel was written, was leaning towards a morlock / elloy society, elloy beying upper class ‘I found them engayed in no toil’ and the morlock beying lower (working) class ‘machacial servent’ and ‘the toiler ashured of his life and work’ is a very implicit idea through out the book, and requires careful looking into to understand fully Wells point. Yet this is probably the most important part of the story, because it is the reason Wells wrote the book, to prove a point about moden sosyitey and thrugh out the novle wells is trying to shock people by telling them what they may become ‘Were thes creachers fools?’-‘I fellt like a school master admist children’, which is another characteristic of science fiction. The idea of upper and lower classes was written about around the same time by J. B. Priestly in ‘Inspector calls’ this provides a good comparison because this play is quite evidently not science fiction! And although this play is written very well it could be said that is has no where near the same appeal as the time machine, which is making the same point, yet has the scoop of science fiction. this point is also another major characteristic of science fiction in that it is predicting the future ‘the rich had been ashured of his welf and confort the toilor asherd of his life and wotck’ and ‘I grefed to think how brief the dream of the human interlect had been. It had committed seuiside.’
I think that Wells’ novel the time machine in a very accomplished science fiction novel. Not only does throughout the core of the story he fulfils the criteria for a science fiction novel, both in comparison to other novels and by definition, but he also makes it very believable. He accomplishes this in many ways, the language through out the book persuades you that the time traveller has actually been to the future and back, also the way Wells has such a sound scientific knowledge and use very scientific language improves the realism a lot ‘I reached a strong suggestion of an extensive system of sub teraineyn venterlaton’ it make you bileve tat it is achlley the time trave spwaking beceauns wells gives enugh tenicnal laungueg to perswade you that the man whiting the book is intelligent enugh to make a time machine. ‘ment sliping like a vapor thrugh they interstices of intervening substances.’ I also believe that it is very clever the way Wells make even his own characters not believe the time travellers story, this may seem like a bold thing to do, seen as he is trying to make it as believable as possible, but in fact it brings a great sense of reality to the story, and enables us to relate the story to every day life. It also enables the reader to have an opinion and posses the question ‘could this really happen?’ and ‘if this happened to me would I believe the time traveller in the story, in comparison to War Of The World where the story is a sherd experianc with the charcters and can only e entprted in one way by the reader. The only chritisum I hav with the whiting in the novel id that the time traveller, for such an interlechwell man, is very quick to take sides with the eloy ‘my grace full children’ and ‘the eloy, the beutfull race I allredy new’ and to dislike the morlocks ‘I lothed them’ and ‘bleched, obseen nockternal thing’, just becaue of external apperanses when in fact tnhe morlocks were far superior in both technoligly and in interlect, but I’m sure wells has a reason for this.
In conclution I think wells has whit and well strrucherd novel. He contiusly uses strong imagery, metfors ans simley. He has a geat number of contasting word ‘light’ and ‘darkness’ and ‘night’ and ‘day’ to convay they extreme contast of his own fellings. To enthsise his points he offen uses allitration ‘helpless hedlon motion’ and dreaming most diagreble that I was drownd.’ He also uses all 5 sesis, sight, smell,sound, touch and taset to transport the reader into his own world. The novel is short enugh to keep the readers attention, yet detaild enugh to fully for fill the requiments fro a sciens fiction novel. The novel contains sicens fact that strengths the bilive in the fiction. The novle carfully evaluates the sosiytey of the time and by travling into the fucher whitch sheds light on a possibl fate.
Apologies - SN
*No apologies from Katrina. Kay had informed her of meeting. Due to other commitments others were under the impression she may not be able to continue on PTA. Kay to contact her and report back. Angie Woodward has attended all PTA events and has expressed interest in joining PTA. Should KY not be able to continue decided to invite AW to attend next PTA meeting.
*Storage space in school was discussed. Suggestion of metal storage unit in quad. Decided even if this was acceptable and locked it would encourage vandalism.
Group wanted it to be noted that sometimes they felt this difficulty gave a detrimental message to PTA, as all activities were to raise money for the benefit of the school, on a voluntary basis.
KH pointed out that this problem existed throughout the school and storage was always an issue.
Agreed for present situation, if no place in school any future donation day items would be accommodated by Julia and Kay.
*Easter Competition.
To run between Mon 22nd March and Friday 2nd April.
JR to organise board for treasure hunt. To raise awareness have board on display for a while. Easter Egg and small teddy to be prizes.
*While waiting for definite dates for fashion show in Autumn KH to check with Smartys on availability of dates.
*Sponsored activity day – to be discussed fully at next meeting.
PTA MINUTES 4th Feb 2004
Apologies – SN, JR
Question raised about the storage area behind the brown curtains and the toys that are there. KH to check but feels that the area would probably be already assigned for other storage.
After much discussion, it was decided to change the summer events and not have the usual summer fayre.
In view of this on Friday 13th February children will be asked to pay 50p for the privilege of wearing non- uniform.
KH to do letter giving details and mentioning recent money has gone towards providing new equipment for the playground.
This will mean that instead of a summer fayre PTA would like to major on a sponsored event JULY 2nd or 9th.
This would be in the form of an activity day totally organised by the PTA.
Once this has been agreed full details would be planned but in principle, PTA would set up a series of activities, AM for lower school, PM for upper.
Each class would be brought out by teacher and do set of activities. They would be sponsored for completing the course.
Large Birthday dog would be given as prize to the one that made the most overall effort with the activities, sponsors and returning the money on time. This would be put up in the hall as incentive a couple of weeks before event.
As Summer Fayre cancelled, a further challenge day was requested after SATS around the may bank holiday time.
Again in principle this would involve all children paying £1 to wear non-uniform and to have a go at ‘beat the goalie ‘ and a netball challenge.
Each class brought out to area and each child given 3 goes at the goal and 3 goes at netball. All those that score more than 3 times out of possible 6 on both events has name go in hat to be drawn for overall prize.
Prize would be for Foundation, KS1 and KS2.
Equipment has now been received for playground for Foundation.
Next meeting Tuesday 2nd March.h