Discuss the significance of the shifts in narrative perspective in Frankenstein. What is the effect of presenting different characters viewpoints, especially those of Victor and the monster?

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Question: (25 Marks)

  1. Discuss the significance of the shifts in narrative perspective in Frankenstein. What is the effect of presenting different characters’ viewpoints, especially those of Victor and the monster?


Mary Shelley uses many different narrators inside her story, including Walton, through letters, followed by Victor, and in Volume 2, the Monster themselves. It has various effects on the flow of the story, and its main effect is that it helps the reader to understand the characters in the novel much more easily and also provide the perspectives of various people, to get a feel of what society was at that time, and also to break certain stigmas that were present at that time. This can be seen in all three narrators in the book- Robert Walton, another fellow mad scientist, Victor, the protagonist and the Monster, the main antagonist.

Firstly, the main use of Walton in the story helps us understand how a scientist during that time period perceives another scientist with the same intentions and sacrifices as himself. This is because in those ages, when we think of scientists, people often think that they are mad and abandon all of their families and their humane qualities in the quest for unlocking the ultimate secrets of nature- for Walton, the true magnetic North and for Victor, the ultimate goal of being able to “play god”. But however, this is not true. For example, when Victor arrives at Walton’s ship, Walton kindly helps and tries to care for Victor until he has fully recuperated. He also writes in his letters about Victor’s conditions to Mrs. Saville and in his letters in the last chapter, said “my chief attention was occupied by my unfortunate guest”(Page 218) and also, he makes friendly ties with Victor, so that Victor can tell his unfortunate tale completely. Hence, by showing all of these humane qualities between the two, and also by showing how they become friends and care for each other, Shelley wants to break the social stigma of that time that scientists are all bad due to the horrendous acts they commit- for example, stealing bodies from the grave, to the point that they no longer have any human traits. Therefore, the use of Walton as a narrator helps us understand how scientists view each other at that time and also to show how the perception of the general public is flawed.

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Next, the writer uses the narrative perspective of Victor to make us understand how a mad scientist sees himself, and also to see how a “mad scientist” is not always mentally ill from the beginning, but rather has good intentions that go haywire. Furthermore, the usage of first-person perspective makes us able to understand Victor’s feelings in a better way rather than if a third person narrator was used. This is shown by Victors’ true intentions such as the main aim of building the monster- to relieve the grief felt from the departure of loved ones. However, it turns haywire, ...

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The question posed is an interesting one and could provide the basis for an interesting response. In this case the findings are made at too superficial a level meaning that the full depth of the text isn't shown. The points made by the different narrative perspectives need to be supported with evidence from the text which in turn will allow for the analysis of language, structure and form. 3 Stars