Examine the importance and effectiveness of Act 3 Scene 1, considering its significance in terms of Plot, Character, Theme and Dramatic Power.

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Examine the importance and effectiveness of Act 3 Scene 1, considering its significance in terms of Plot, Character, Theme and Dramatic Power


I am going to write this essay about Act 3 Scene 1, in this scene a lot happens and I am going to go into detail about all the factors. I am going to focus on, plot, character, theme and dramatic power.

The plot of this scene is very important; this is because if this scene did not happen the rest of the play would not have taken place. The things that happen, e.g. the fight between Mercutio and Tybalt are vital because they lead to the next scenes. In Act 3 Scene 1 what happens is that on the street of Verona, Benvolio tries to persuade Mercutio that its best to stay out of the way of Capulet’s and a quarrel, but Mercutio joking claims that Benvolio is as much of a quarreller as anyone else. We know this because of what Mercutio says, ‘by the operation of the second cup draws it on the drawer, when indeed there is no need’. This shows that Benvolio is willing to quarrel with people even over nothing serious.

After this we see Tybalt looking for Romeo inquest for a fight, but then all of a sudden Tybalt is challenged to a fight by Mercutio, but then Romeo appears and Tybalt then challenges Romeo to a fight, Romeo says no, but then Mercutio steps forward to fight Tybalt. Tybalt and Mercutio fight and Romeo tries to stop the fight, Tybalt gives Mercutio a fatal wound, and Mercutio dies, then Tybalt runs away. Romeo is ashamed of himself for letting Mercutio do the fighting, but still thinks its partly Mercutio’s own fault. Although ashamed of himself, he is also very angry with Tybalt.  When Tybalt returns, Romeo and Tybalt fight which leads to the death of Tybalt. After this, Benvolio has a hard time getting the stunned Romeo to leave the scene of the fight and killing. After a while, Benvolio tells the prince what has happen. Lady Capulet wants Romeos life but the prince only banishes him. I think that in this scene the only reason Mercutio gets involved is because he does not want to get the impression that Romeo is scared of Tybalt. On the other hand, Romeo has a good reason not to fight Tybalt in the first place, which is because he did not want to carry on the feud between the two families. The reason Tybalt was after Romeo is because Tybalt did not want Romeo at his uncle’s party.

The plot of this scene leads to scenes later in the play, for example when Romeo kills Tybalt he gets banished and has to move to Mantua. So this shows if he did not kill Tybalt he would not have got banished. Also, before this, a really important thing that happens and leads to other scenes is Tybalt killing Mercutio.  This is important because if Mercutio didn’t die, then Romeo would not have got angry and therefore not lead to killing Tybalt. Also this happening leads to act 5 scenes 2. This is because if Romeo was not banished from Verona, he would have received the letter from Friar Lawrence saying that Juliet has taken the poison but she is not dead, it didn’t, this is because Romeo’s friend saw the fake funeral taking place and he got back with the news to Romeo, before the letter arrived in Romeos hands. This shows that if Romeo were not banished in act 3 scenes 1, he would most likely have got the letter on time.

I think the things that lead to act 3 scenes 1 is where Romeo goes to the Capulet party and invades the privacy. The caplets are very angry with Romeo and want to get revenge on him. Tybalt wanted to kill Romeo on the day of the party but his uncle said try to keep the peace for this day.

In act 3 scenes 1 we learn quite a few things about the characters involved. For example Romeo, when we first met him he was a lovesick young man; he was more into the idea of love rather than romantically being involved with Rosaline. Romeo could firstly be described as moody and unable to do things for himself, he seems self-indulgent and deluded. We know this because of the way he speaks of love, ‘’love is a smoke made with fume of sighs’.

However later in the play, Romeos type of character changes, this is because when he meets Juliet, we see Romeo develop into a sensible and committed individual. I think that he changes character because of his experiences of true love. From here on Romeo is mostly well spoken and respectful. Although Romeo is now polite and respectful, when he sees that Tybalt has killed Mercutio, we see that he is furious and full of rage. The fury and rage then lead to him killing Tybalt. Once he has killed Tybalt, we see a change in character again, this is because he then realises that he wanted to end the feud between the 2 families and killing Tybalt only made it worse. At this point we see Romeo sad and sick of life, he says ‘I am fortunes fool’.

Mercutio is one of the main characters in this scene; his type of character from the start of the play was that he was a joker and likes to have fun with life. Although a joker, we learn in act 3 scene 1 he is also very defendant, this is because he doesn’t like to see is friends put down and also he has got dignity. We see that Mercutio has pride in himself and his friends and is also honourable. When Mercutio is on the verge of dieing, we still see he is joking around, but soon gets serious and angry, he says ‘a plague a’ both your houses’, this shows he is angry and upset but cursing both the families.

Mercutio is Romeo's best friend and a very loud and flamboyant character, he spends a lot of time with Romeo and the Montague family. He is sometimes a bit overconfident as is discovered when he is challenging Tybalt to a fight. Mercutio is noticeably different to many of the other characters.

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As in the rest of the play, we only really see one side to Tybalt, he is angry and hotheaded and resolves everything in violence. I think that his devotion to violence is the reason the feud was kept alive. I think that in this scene he is very angry and aggressive because Romeo was at the Capulet party.

Tybalt Capulet is Juliet's cousin and the Montague families arch enemy. He is never one to walk away from a fight even against his family's wishes. Unlike Mercutio he is a serious character and acts more maturely than some of ...

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