Explore Shelley's presentation of the impact of the Creature in the light of this comment

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The Creature is described as ‘ a fiend of unparalleled barbarity’, yet many modern readers may sympathise with him.

Explore Shelley’s presentation of the impact of the Creature in the light of this comment.

It is my view, that the Creature may be seen from two main perspectives, on the one hand he may be seen as a “Monster”, “a fiend of unparalleled barbarity” and on the other he may be seen as a victim with whom the reader may sympathise.

Out of the three narratives in the book, the one which occupies that major part of the book I that of Victor Frankenstein. It is from his perspective that we are imparted most of the evidence which may lead us to consider the Creature as a ‘Fiend of unparalleled barbarity.’ Throughout Frankenstein’s framed narrative, he refer to the Creature as “daemon”, “devil” or “wretch and perhaps (one may consider) with good reason considering the creature’s actions after his creation.  

Firstly, the Creature murdered Victor’s youngest brother William, an innocent child. However, the Creature’s true intentions when committing the murder remain unclear, as the Creature says, “I grasped throat to silence him, and in a moment he lay dead at my feet.” This statement, by the Creature, is of course ambiguous, as the Creature could have literally been trying to silence William, whilst on the other hand there is the more sinister aspect, that the Creature could have grasped William’s throat with a mind to silence him permanently. If we take Shelley’s view of her 1831 audience as “monsters thirsting for each others blood” then we would of course condemn the Creature, as someone who committed cold- blooded, murder.

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On the other hand, if one were to take a romantic view of the Creature (as many a modern reader may) seeing him as the innocent child, whose innocence has been lost as a result of the world into which he has been cast. One may perhaps consider that his new found malevolence as opposed to his original benevolence, has come into being as a result of his own treatment by the human characters in the novel, he is hated and abhorred so of course he will seek vengeance against those who have made him suffer, as he says ...

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