How does Capulet change throughout the course of the play Romeo and Juliet?

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How does Capulet change throughout the course of the play Romeo and Juliet?

The play Romeo and Juliet was Shakespeare’s first attempt at a tragedy. A tragedy is an event resulting in great loss and misfortune, or an era with very unfortunate results.

Romeo and Juliet is set in Verona, a wealthy suburb of Mantua, during the 12th and 13th century. The setting of the play is effective as Verona is a very hot place. This creates reckless behaviour, which adds to the tension in the play. It also allows a drastic change in scene as well as behaviour at the end of the play. Everything changes to dark and cold to add to the effect.

The play is based upon the characters Romeo and Juliet and tells their story. They are deeply in love and will do anything to be together. Romeo sneaked into the Capulet’s party, where he met Juliet. Here they fell in love. Only to discover that they were members of families that had a long running feud, that still existed. There family’s would never allow them to be together, so that night they decided that they would get married in secret.

Once married everything went fine, until the day that Tybalt challenged Romeo to a dual. Romeo refused to fight, but Mercutio fought Tybalt, and ended up dead. An infuriated Romeo went out to seek Tybalt, when he found him he killed him, and was consequently banished.

Juliet was devastated; everybody believed she was crying over the death of her cousin, when in fact she was weeping for Romeo. During this time Paris, who wanted Juliet’s hand in marriage, had been getting close to Lord Capulet, who reluctantly gave Paris permission to marry his daughter. When Juliet was told the news she was enraged. Her father, upon hearing the news that she was unhappy, told her that she was marrying Paris, and if she didn’t she would have nothing more to do with his family, he would completely disown her. To seek aid Juliet went to Friar Lawrence who gave her a potion, which would put her asleep for 24 hours, making people believe she was dead. When she awoke she would be in her family tomb, Romeo waiting by her side, as the friar would write him a letter explaining what was happening. Juliet took the potion and it worked, but when she woke she found Romeo dead, as he had not received the letter, and believed that Juliet was dead. He had taken poison on the discovery of her body. Juliet stabbed herself when she saw Romeo’s body, as neither of them could imagine life without the other.

Juliet, especially as she is his only child, is very loved by her father. Capulet is very concerned about her well being, he is reluctant to allow her to marry, as he feels she is to young. But Capulet changes when Juliet refuses to marry, as he feels that she is being disobedient, going against his wishes deliberately.

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