How does Charles Dickens create sympathy for the narrator Pip? How does Dickens enable the reader to share Pips feelings, opinions and struggles in life, as a child, a young man and an adult.

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Great Expectations, is Charles Dickens's thirteenth novel. The story is about greed (Pip, forgetting about Joe and wanting to become a gentleman), love (Joe's love for Pip, Pip's love for Estella) and revenge (Miss Havisham bringing Estella up to hate all man because her husband left her).

This assignment will look at how Charles creates sympathy for the narrator Pip.How Dickens enables the reader to share Pips feelings, opinions and struggles in life, as a child, a young man and an adult. One way Charles Dickens does this is the way his relation to Joe changes throughout the coarse of the story.

Dickens creates sympathy for Pip straight away in the beginning of the story when we find out that he is an orphan. For example "as I never saw my father or mother". This suggests to me that Pip will be an unloved, uncared boy who has a lot missing from his life. He lost the most important things as a child, love and affection from a caring family. He has seen the harsh reality of life and which makes him a good human being. He lives in an environment where he is hated and treated badly by his only relative Mrs Joe Gargery and loved dearly from his brother in law.

Charles Dickens was born near Portsmouth on the 7th of February 1812.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, England became very rich. London, was the largest city in Europe and people suddenly became rich. Rich people could become part of society and were known as "ladies and gentlemen". They were educated, wore fashionable clothes lived in fine houses. In Great Expectations, Pip wanted to become a gentleman. Whilst living in London, Dickens used to wander the streets of London and saw how the poor lived compared to the rich.

Charles Dickens's father John Dickens didn't earn much money and soon the family was in debt. He went prison to work in a boot polish factory. Soon Mrs Dickens, Charles, his brothers and sisters were sent too. At the time Charles was twelve years old and was sent to a factory where pay rate was low.

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Having a bad childhood affected Dickens's novels. He wrote about prison cells, orphans and the poor as a result of him being brought  up like that and wanted to show the injustice at the system.

There are three parts in Great Expectations. Like every other story, it has a beginning, middle and an end. The book was first published the weekly magazine "all year round" which means it wasn't published at once. It was published in weekly instalments, which meant that Dickens had to make every part sustained, by being interesting, entertaining and end with suspense and tension. ...

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