How Does Shakespeare Use The Idea Of Opposition As A Dramatic Device In 'Romeo and Juliet'? What Are The Effects Of These Techniques?

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Charlotte Webb

How Does Shakespeare Use The Idea Of Opposition As A Dramatic Device In ‘Romeo and Juliet’? What Are The Effects Of These Techniques?

Shakespeare uses an immense amount of opposition in the play, ‘Romeo and Juliet’; this creates dramatic impact. The oppositions have a major effect on the play and cause some of the turning points in the plot, such as the fight scene where Tybalt and Mercutio are killed. There is also a clash of oppositions such as when Romeo tries to make peace with Tybalt in the fight scene in Act Three, Scene One. This shows the oppositions of love and hate.  


Even during the prologue, many oxymorons are used. The prologue is meant to give the audience an idea of what the play is going to be about, “ From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life.” This sums up what the entire play is about. Although the audience know what is going to happen their still intrigued to watch it as the Prologue is very dramatic. “Fatal loins” means deadly birth, this relates directly to Romeo and Juliet because the birth of their love is basically the death of it because of the hatred between their families.


The meaning of the Prologue directly opposes the style in which its written. It is written in the form of a sonnet, a popular form of sixteenth-century love poem that often explored themes such as love in conflict. Shakespeare chooses this poetic form to outline the play’s main issues of love and hatred and to present another major theme of the play: how true love ultimately triumphs because the deaths of Romeo and Juliet end the feud between their families.


The play goes through stages: it begins with hatred between the two families- the Montague and Capulets. They regularly disrupt the peace of Verona with their arguments and fighting eventually the prince has to threaten them with death. It then moves on to the love and happiness between Romeo and Juliet that occurs after they meet at the Capulets bawl and gets married the following day. The play then returns to the hatred when Mercutio and Tybalt get killed and Romeo is banished. This is followed by death and sadness in both families when their children Romeo and Juliet kill themselves because they cannot be together. This makes their families realise how selfish they have been and they end their feud. Love eventually triumphs over the evil.

This scene (Act one, Scene one) quickly moves backwards and forwards between the themes of love and hatred, sex and conflict. Its starts with jokes between the servants, which immediately links sex with conflict. The references about “ naked weapon” and images such as “striking” and “thrusting” show how love and sex an closely linked to violence and death. This is a microcosm of the whole play. The mood suddenly changes to biter hatred as a brawl breaks out on the streets of Verona; when Benvolio enters he exclaims, “ I do but keep the peace. Put up thy sword”. This shows opposition because he is talking about peace but holding up a weapon, which suggests conflict. This also represents the two characters Benvolio and Tybalt. Benvolio is the good willed one who wants to keep the peace whereas Tybalt is fiery and wants to start fights and arguments. This creates dramatic tension between the two characters as their personalities always clash. During this brawl the elderly Capulet calls for his long sword as he proposes to take on a young Montague with a light modern weapon. This opposition shows that all the generations share the same hatred for each other and are willing to fight the older/ younger generations as well as their own ages.

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The second half of the scene changes the focus from the theme of violence to the theme of love, which Romeo has for Rosaline. Romeo describes how he feels through a series of oxymorons “ O brawling love, O loving hate.” This shows him as a young inexperienced lover as the play progresses he uses more developed expressions this shows how he grows up and matures through out the play. Romeo has many emotions in his head this reflects the chaos that is occurring in Verona. Shakespeare repeatedly shows through oxymorons how closely linked are the battles of love ...

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There is some good analysis in this essay; however at times the ideas could be more effectively communicated. Instead of working chronologically through the play, a more skillful strategy would have been to link parts of the play through the idea of conflict as this would show a better understanding of how Shakespeare created certain effects. 4 Stars