How FarCan Fate Be Blamed For The Downfall Of Romeo And Juliet, Or Is Their DownfallDue To Individuals And Circumstances?

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 How Far Can Fate Be Blamed For The Downfall Of Romeo And Juliet, Or Is Their Downfall Due To Individuals And Circumstances?

    The English playwright William Shakespeare wrote the classic play of Romeo and Juliet in 1595. It is a tragedy, one of many Shakespearian tragedies, including Anthony and Cleopatra and Othello. Romeo and Juliet is not a typical tragedy as it is not the protagonist’s fault that they die; it is their parent’s argument or feud. Shakespeare makes this an untypical tragedy as it is usually a flaw in personality of one of the protagonists that causes the tragedy. An example of this would be in Macbeth where Macbeth’s wife is too greedy.  It was written for the Elizabethan audience, who heavily believed in “Fate” and “The Stars”. The Elizabethan society was extremely superstitious as science and technology at that time had not advanced enough to change their pre-conditioned beliefs. All they knew was religion and fate and no scientific knowledge. The stars were a big part of their lives too as telescopes had recently been invented and astrologers, who were really con artists, convinced people that their lives relied heavily on the alignment of the stars. In this essay I will argue whether I think fate or free will was the main cause of Romeo and Juliet’s downfall.

I believe that fate is the cause of Romeo and Juliet’s downfall and ultimate death. Shakespeare reveals this in the prologue to set the scene and let the person watching the play know that the story will be fateful. This is an important part of Elizabethan beliefs and would have interested the audience:

“A pair of star cross’d lovers take their life”.

This quote illustrates that Romeo and Juliet’s love never had a chance because their stars are crossed and their fate pre-destined. The Elizabethans believed strongly in luck, the stars and that everyone’s life was pre-ordained. If someone’s stars were crossed that means they would have been said to have bad luck. So this quote shows that the lovers were to have bad luck. It also tells us they take their life which also tells you about the rest of the story. The quote tells us it is a tragedy by the fact that two lovers die. Further on in the prologue Shakespeare tells the story of:

“The fearful passage of their death-marked love”

This quote suggests that their love is ill-fated from the start. It tells us that no matter what Romeo and Juliet do their love is going to end with death and there is nothing they can do to alter fate. It suggests that there is a force like fate which will make their love end in death. The Elizabethan audience would have been engaged by the mention of fate. Shakespeare obviously knew this so he included this as he evidently wanted to keep his audience to gain notoriety.

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As this play was written for the Elizabethan audience, it may be a little outdated but most of the themes apply today, like the feud which could relate to having a grudge with a neighbour. A theme that isn’t as strong in today’s terms is the role of the father over the daughter, which then meant the father could have the final say in who his daughter married whereas in modern days the daughter is more likely to marry who she wants.

    The play starts off with a feud between Romeo and Juliet’s families. There is ...

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