How Important Is Act 2, Scene 2 To Rita's Development In Willy Russell's Educating Rita?

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How Important Is Act 2, Scene 2 To Rita’s Development

 In Willy Russell’s Educating Rita?

Rita lives near Liverpool with little education and works in a hairdresser shop and tries to get the opportunity to have choice by getting an education. During the play Russell shows that the class system is apart of modern society and Rita kind of wants to change classes, from working to middle, she doesn’t know how to chose and has little education. Equal opportunities in the way that women are expected to have babies and stay at home all day but in his play Rita breaks away from every one else and gets an education and she shows how hard it can be to get an education.

In the play Russell tells you about two people, these are the main characters Frank and Rita. Rita is a working class person who is trapped in life and wants choice, she has little education and a poor job as a hairdresser and during the play she tries to break free from her social class, she thinks she should have had a baby by her age, she wants to discover herself first but no one understands so she thinks she is different, in the play she says "I should have had a baby by know every one expects it". Rita wants to be more like Frank, educated, middle class, has choice. But Frank is also bored and trapped, he goes to the pub a lot to cover up for his unhappiness, Rita also wants to change Frank not in a bad way but trying to help him later on when she realizes that the beer is doing him no good.

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Rita is trapped in her social class, she wanted to succeed in school and be happy but her friends and family say that school isn’t cool and so she doesn't learn, this happens all the way through her life, until now when she decides to break away from her social class, in the play she says this as "you’ve got to be into music, clothes an fellers…" she also talks about quick fixes, if you do something wrong you can just get a new one, "if you get it wrong you just play a different song or get a new ...

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