In scene two Charlie finds himself in a couple of tests with Bert who is helping explain and run these tests. Charlie asks politely to Bert how do you do towards Bert which shows Charlie is unintelligent but at least he is nice towards. This is a key aspect of Charlie of how he is nice towards others. This is the reason in which it would be told to him of why out off all the other possible candidates in which he got chosen to get this surgery done to make him if it works, smart.
It was after this test he recorded how the day went and what talked about was how the day went. The first thing he says was
“I had a test today. I think I faled it, and I think maybe they won’t use me “.
This helps show how he does not have confidence in himself and how he does not think he will have this special surgery because of this one test. This helps show Charlie’s personality and shows how he is presented as a under confident, unintelligent adult who speaks as if he is a child.
In scene 9 after which he has this surgery done by Dr Strauss he awakes still with surgery not finished quite yet as his eyes are still bandaged. At an instant after Miss Kinnian says how the operation is over the first thing that pops up from Charlie is his question of if he is smart yet.
Dr Strauss: Wake up Charlie.
Charlie groans as he partly surfaces.
Miss Kinnian: Hello Charlie
Charlie: Miss Kinnian?
Miss Kinnian: That’s right.
Charlie: Where are you? I can’t see! I can’t see anything!
Dr Strauss: There are bandages on your eyes.
Charlie: What happened?
Miss Kinnian: The operation’s over, Charlie. It’s all over.
Charlie: Am I smart, now?
Dr Strauss: Go back to sleep. I’ll come and see you again soon.
It is only a few lines away from this it Dr Strauss starts talking about Charlie with Miss K asking if the operation has worked. It was after this conversation between the two it says:
From this point, Charlie’s stutter begins to gradually disappear.
This is sign of slight development is shown in this part of the play. It is when it says that from this point his stutter gradually disappears that we know the surgery is starting to take effect.
In scene 18 Charlie shows his awareness of what is happening to him as he starts reacting to the situation and asks his so called friends to stop but they don’t.
Charlie: Why are they laughing?
Ellen: Someone told a joke. Come on, Charlie, don’t stop, you’re the star of the show. Come on.
She tries to force him
Charlie: I don’t feel well.
That gets another laugh
Charlie: It tastes funny
More laughter
Why are you laughing? Frank, why are they laughing?
Frank laughs in his face.
Stop it! I don’t like it! Stop it!
This awareness of how the other factory workers are treating him shows how he has developed his knowledge to a good extent. He has developed to such an extent that he can work out things in which for himself without the need of others aiding him along the way. This is known as independence.
Charlie realises that he has feelings for a certain someone which he has known for a while now, Mrs Kinnian and this is expressed on scene 23. This also shows how he is presented in the book as someone who cannot have the person they love.
Charlie (tape): I don’t understand why I never noticed how beautiful Miss Kinnian really is. She has brown eyes and feathery brown hair that comes to the top of her neck. She’s only thirty four!
I think from the beginning I had the feelings that she was an unreachable genius-and very, very old. Now, every time I see her she grows younger and lovely.
It is straight after this going into scene 24 how Miss Kinnian tells Charlie herself how he has seen Charlie develop at an alarming rate. No matter how much he has developed he still doesn’t feel he is.
Charlie: I don’t feel intelligent. There are so many things I don’t understand.
Miss Kinnian: You’ve got to be patient. You’re accomplishing in weeks what normal people half a lifetime. It’s amazing. You’re like a giant sponge, soaking things in. Facts, figures, general knowledge.
This shows how Charlie has been presented in the book and how he has developed throughout it.
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