How Is The Importance Of Doing Your Duty As A Parent Highlighted In The Novel "Silas Marner"?

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“Silas Marner” Essay

The novel “Silas Marner” is set between the years 1790 and 1820 and was written during the reign of Queen Victoria. It focuses on the duty of a parent, which was very important at that time. Families were being split up due to the Industrial Revolution.

The Victorians valued duty highly and Eliot, the author of the novel, looks at the idea of good parents being rewarded and bad parents being punished. Godfrey Cass is a bad parent thus he loses his only child, a daughter called Hephzibah (or Eppie), to a lower-class citizen, for example.

In order to highlight the effects of parenting, Eliot includes contrasting parents in her novel. Silas Marner's parenting skills contrast with the aforementioned, Godfrey Cass. Silas adopted Godfrey's child and he raised her well; he will now have someone to care for him in his old age.

Other techniques used are symbolism and pathetic fallacy, which are used to help correct the reader's  feelings towards the characters to the way Eliot wants them to be. Pathetic fallacy is where the weather the reflects the mood of characters. For example, towards the end of the novel, two of the characters marry and the weather is sunny because the occasion is happy.

Romanticism is a key idea in the novel: all the children are born innocent and pure and they remain that way unless their parents or society change them.

Eliot is an Omniscient Narrator. This means that she inputs her opinion on events to direct the reader to support her point of view; this is that people who look after their children well are thoughtful and will be eventually rewarded and those who parent badly are bad-spirited and callous characters. The term comes from the word omniscience meaning infinite knowledge, which comes from Medieval Latin, omniscienta, from omni- (all) and -scienta (knowledge), from which we get the word science.

Bad parenting was being introduced into society at the time the novel was written due to the Industrial Revolution. Many a family was moving away from their home villages to the cities and both communities and families were breaking up. Eliot's novel comes in response to this and informs the reader that parenting is still an important part of life; she also warns of what happens when parental duties are neglected.

Godfrey Cass is a parent and his poor parenting cost him his child.

Godfrey was brought up in “The Red House” - red symbolising anger and danger. His father “[liked] to spend his time in the parlour” which is the pub, away from his children so Godfrey was neglected as a child. The neglect of a child, even subtly, in the Romantic's eye, is not a way for a child's purity to be kept intact. Therefore, Godfrey having no good example of how to live and parent, became impure and a bad parent; his impurity is depicted later on when Godfrey severely hurts his child's feelings with no justification.

Godfrey's father came across as “a tall, stout man ... the knit brow and rather hard glance” obviously scared Godfrey as between the two “there was never a pleasant morning greeting.” He has not learnt the value of the family unit which he will need to apply in future life.

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Thus, Godfrey lets the mother look after his child despite the fact that she is addicted to “the demon opium ... to whom she was enslaved body and soul”. Godfrey knows that it is a bad thing to let a person controlled by the ultimate devil look after a child, but not only does he ignore the child and not try to save it, despite the fact that it is well within his humanly power, he feeds the addiction on the basis that no-one knows of his marriage to a lower class. This is an excellent example of his selfishness ...

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