This brings me to my next reason, minor stroke. Despite its name, a minor stroke is a major cause of alarm. The symptoms for the ‘major’ stroke are the same as the minor stroke and both needs immediate treatment. The victim is in danger if not treated instantaneously.
Smokers can also clog their own lungs, when smoking. It is lethal because the person cannot breathe and the person might suffocate. Undeveloped children are most likely to obtain this as they are not powerful enough to resist the toxic air.
In the world, as you may have realised, the water level is rising all too as a result of global warming. It is essential that people do not contribute to the air pollution caused by too much greenhouse gas. It is penetrating the ozone layer and allowing UV rays through the hole. According to the news, the hole was found in Antarctica or commonly known as the South Pole. This ray can damage us fatally and could destroy an undeveloped child’s body.
After these reasons, I come to the worst and last reason. As you know, when you buy a packet of cigarettes, a warning can be seen. One of these warnings is a person may die prematurely. You may have thought well if others did not die, why would I? This is a wrong decision because there are many people that die from smoking. According to a cigarette scientist there are seventeen percent of the deaths caused by smoking, ten percent caused by alcohol, seventy percent caused by old age and three percent because of crime or murder.
After all my reasons I strongly believe you would agree with me that people should not smoke as it can cause cancer, minor stroke, clogging of arteries, air pollution or premature death. It is essential that adults do not smoke.