“Last week at School one of my friends, well I mean someone I hang around with, because she’s not really my friend, we both act like we are, but on the inside I hate her. Her names Amy, all the boys really like her and she’s the most popular girl in our year. I thought that maybe if I told her about Stuart, she could give me some tips. Instead she laughed at me and told everyone about my ‘Internet Boyfriend’ well that’s what she called him. The next day everyone new, and all day everyone had something to say to me, when I got home that night I ran straight to my room. As soon as I slammed that door shut, the brave face I had put on all day crumbled before me. My eyes welled up and tears started streaming down my face, I lay on my bed wishing it would all end and everything would be back to normal, because even normal was better than how I was feeling.
“Slowly I started to wipe away the tears; I got up from my bed and went over to my computer while silently hoping that Stuart would be online. He was, he said hi, how are you, I replied not good, and explained everything that had happened. He just made everything seem so much better and reassured me that everything would be ok, I started to feel slightly better and realised that Stuart was different to every boy I had ever known, he was so much more caring and didn’t care about other people’s perceptions of him. Then I had a brilliant idea, well that’s how it felt then. I asked if we could meet, he seemed like the perfect boy for me and I needed to see him in person. He didn’t seem to sure but finally agreed, we decided to meet in my local park and he would take me into London. He seemed trustworthy and I believed that it would be a great day out. I said Good night to him and logged off the computer.”
“Did you ever give him any personal information like your mobile number?” asked DCI Potter.
“Yes, we texted each other quite a lot but I didn’t want to give him any other details until I had actually met him”. I replied shakily as if I had done something wrong.
“Ok can you continue with today’s events” asked DCI Potter.
I nodded and continued with my evidence.
“I got up at about half eight this morning in order to have enough time to get ready, I had ironed the clothes I wanted to wear last night and had left them hanging up in my cupboard. I got dressed, put on my best make up, I left my house at ten o’clock and walked down to the park. When I got there it was desolate, not even a bird was, but It was really cold out this morning wasn’t it? Anyway he texted me and said he wouldn’t be able to get to the park, but he had sent his Uncle to come and meet me, he said his uncle would give me a lift into London, where he would meet me there. I felt a tap on my back and a skinny looking man with a balding head stood looking at me. He asked if I was Lucy, I nodded and he said Stuart had sent him to pick me up. I thought he looked like a nice person so smiled and said cool. He said his car was just around the corner, so we started walking to his car he seemed quite quiet and jumpy. We had been walking for five minutes and there was still no sign of his car. I asked him if we would be there soon and he told me to shut up in an angry tone. I was starting to become more worried so decided to call Stuart’s phone. A ringing came from the man’s pocket. He looked at me, took the phone from his pocket and switched it off. I asked him why he had Stuart’s phone; he said Stuart gave it to him, so he could call me if there was something wrong. I started to become more and more worried. I told him I wanted to go home, and turned around and started to walk faster and faster in the other direction. Suddenly he grabbed me and I started screaming, it was as if I had no limbs and couldn’t fight back, he pushed me into an alleyway and then shoved me to the ground. He lay on top of me and started touching my legs. He was laughing, and I couldn’t get any words out in order to scream.”
“It’s ok take your time.” Said Sergeant Gold patiently.
I took a deep breath and began to continue.
“He unzipped his jacket, and told me to calm down. Over his shoulder I could see a couple walking their dog; I tried to scream and somehow managed to let out a little shriek. They heard and saw me on the ground with the man on top of me. They started running towards us, the man saw them coming and jumped up and started running down the alleyway.”
“That’s it, the next thing I new there was police everywhere, and I was taken here.” I said slowly.
“Thanks a lot Lucy, you’ve been very brave” said DCI Potter.
“I now live in fear that he may come after me, to finish off what he started, I now realise I cannot trust anyone, know one is to be trusted.