Scott Liddle Imaginative Writing S4 English
I awoke with someone shouting up to the window. I got out of bed and looked out to down below where I could see Wullie and Rab. I glanced round to the clock and realised I had slept in on the day of the big game. Rab shouted up that they would meet me on the bus.
I opened my wardrobe and pulled out the first tracksuit I could find. It looked relatively clean, so I ran downstairs, getting dressed as I went. I bolted through to the kitchen, tripping over my black Labrador, Novo, who seemed to be trying to get in my way, and I put two slices of bread in the toaster. I grabbed my favourite pair of shoes, a pair of Henri Lloyd trainers which were starting to rip around the seams. They had started off white, but were now turning a dingy shade of grey, showing their age. I prematurely grabbed my toast from the toaster, before it had even started to brown, burning my hand in the process. I picked up my phone and wallet off the counter and grabbed my ticket, which I had pinned to the notice board for the last two weeks, so everybody who came into the kitchen would notice I had a front row ticket to the Cup Final. As I ran to the back door, fumbling with my keys to try and opened the door, I glanced in the mirror. I looked an absolute mess – My hair was all over the place, having had no time to gel it, my head was through the sleeve of my Rangers shirt, and I had a black eye; a reminder of the brawl outside Guru Nightclub the night before. As I opened the back door, I took a bite out of my toast, or more relevantly, warm bread. Crumbs fell all over the kitchen floor, and they would just have to stay their until mum got up and cleaned them or I got back, hopefully celebrating a momentous Scottish Cup victory for Rangers.