It's possible to feel sorry for all the characters in 'Of Mice and Men' especially Lennie and Curley's wife because they die. Which of the other characters do you feel more sympathy for: Curley, Candy, Crooks or George? Give reasons for your answer.

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Of Mice & Men

It’s possible to feel sorry for all the characters in ‘Of Mice and Men’ especially Lennie and Curley’s wife because they die. Which of the other characters do you feel more sympathy for: Curley, Candy, Crooks or George? Give reasons for your answer.

Having read the novel and gaining insight into the characters main role and aspects of hardship they have to undergo, either due to their own actions or others, it arouses sympathy within the reader. The characters Curley, Candy, Crooks and George all gain my sympathy, however some do so more than others. I personally feel great sympathy towards Crooks in comparison to the rest of the characters.

Curley is the boss’s son hence has authority and can say and do whatever he wishes – ‘won’t ever get canned cause his old man’s the boss’ (pg 28). Hence, from this alone it’s made apparent to the reader, Curley’s able to all that he likes without fear of being in trouble, as he’s the boss’s son.

I do feel slight sympathy towards Curley, as his wife seems to betray the role she is meant to play as his wife. She is continuously out and about flirting with other men, (page 33 ‘ she put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door – frame so that her body was thrown forward) rather than having a close relationship with her husband. She takes no interest in her husband, as we are told Curley’s wife is always looking for men, ‘ she can’t keep away from guys’ (page 54). This isn’t fair on Curley, as he doesn’t have the ability to keep his wife to himself and enjoy the pleasures of married life with his wife. Thus, seeing as Curley’s wife does in fact leave Curley and doesn’t fulfil her roles as a wife, I do feel sympathetic towards Curley. However, seeing as he is the man he could have prevented this from happening, yet we don’t see him striving to do so.

Curley has his hand crushed by Lennie, yet this doesn’t grasp my sympathy. Curley injures himself as a result of his own actions. He starts the fight with Lennie, ‘ what the hell you laughin’ at?’(Page 66) Yet, Lennie wasn’t laughing at Curley, rather at memories of the ranch. However, Curley saw it as an opportunity to exert his frustration, therefore he stepped forward to initialise the fight. Lennie retaliated and unknowingly crushed his hand, as he hadn’t done so deliberately, nor had he intended to do so, ‘ I didn’t wanta hurt him (page 66).’ Hence, although this incident resulted in Curley being hurt, I wouldn’t sympathise with Curley as he asked for the fight. Also because although Lennie retaliated, he done so in self defence and was unaware of what the outcome of his strength would be.

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Thus from looking at these incidents, they don’t make me feel considerate towards Curley. He had full authority, hence could have put his wife under his rule, yet he never attempted to do so. He began the fight, thus the end result, he deserved. Therefore I don’t feel much pity towards him.

George is seen to be Lennie’s guardian throughout the novel. There are no incidents where the author has attempted to gain the reader’s sympathy for George. Although George does mention how his life would be so much easier without Lennie, ‘if I was ...

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