John Steinbeck

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Paris Deacon

How has segregation in twentieth century America affected the life and personality of Crooks?

John Steinbeck (1902-1968) was born in Salinas, California. He came from a family of moderate means. His native region of Monterey Bay was later the setting for most of his fiction. Steinbeck's father was a county treasurer. His mother was a teacher and Steinbeck learned to love books. Of Mice and Men is a novel set on a ranch in the Salinas Valley in California during the Great Depression of the 1930s. It was the first work to bring John Steinbeck national recognition as a writer. As a young man, Steinbeck learned about migrant laborers, usually unmarried men recruited to work during harvest seasons, from his own experience as a worker on company-owned ranches

During the late 1930s, California was struggling not only with the economic problems of the Great Depression, but also with severe labor strife. Labor conflicts occurred on the docks and packing sheds and fields.

By the time that Of Mice and Men was published huge combine harvesters harvested almost half of America’s grain. Five men could do what would have taken 350 men a few years earlier. George and Lennie are some of the last of the migrant farm workers. Huge numbers of men traveled the countryside between the 1880s and the early 1930s harvesting wheat. They earned $2.50 or $3.00 a day, plus food and very basic accommodation. During the 1930s, when there was very bad unemployment in the United States, agencies were set up under the New Deal to send farm workers to where they were needed. It was even harder for black people as they had the weight of segregation to carry. Blacks were separated, kept away from whites. Black people wanted the right to vote to have equal job opportunities and pay because they worked equally as hard, they wanted the right to go to equally good schools as white students to have equal education. They wanted an end to segregation in cafes, swimming pools and buses as it was demeaning. They also wanted the right to be protected and not be attacked by the police. Black People wanted equality; not something better but equality. The South was much worse for racism and segregation than the North.

Of Mice and Men tells the story of two simple men who try to escape homelessness, economic poverty, and emotional and psychological corruption.

George Milton and Lennie Small, two ranch workers, dream of one day owning a small farm so they can harvest their own crops and not take orders from anyone. They will also have a bit of privacy. George has promised Lennie that he can look after rabbits. . The two friends find work from a farm and start saving money for their future. Lennie Small and his friend, George Milton, were forced to leave their homes because Lennie was accused of raping a girl from another town.

The major theme of the story is loneliness. In the 1930’s nearly all the ranch workers traveled alone and never made friends as they were gone from the ranch a few months later. Ad Slim acknowledges in the novel, “Hardly none of the guys ever travel together. I hardly never seen two guys travel. You know how the hands are, they just come in and get their bunk and work a month, and then they quit and go out alone. Never seem to give a damn about nobody.” Slim explains how the ‘hands’ come and work get their pay and leave. And George then says “I seen the guys that go around on the ranches alone. That ain’t no good. They don’t have no fun. After a long time they get mean. They get wantin’ to fight all the time.” Even though George complains about Lennie and even though Lennie always gets in trouble, George is happy to be with him because he knows what happens to ranch workers that have nobody. All the characters in the story are affected by loneliness. They have all become bitter in different ways. We find out that Slim drowned four puppies, but in his defense, he explains that the dog could not feed all of them. But he did it without even thinking about it, which could show that he has become bitter from loneliness.

Two key characters that are mainly affected by loneliness are Candy and Curley’s wife. Candy is an old swamper that has no hand and the only real company he has is his ‘ancient dog’. The other ranch workers cannot stand Candy’s dog. Carlson says “That dog of Candy’s is so God damn old he can’t hardly walk. Stinks like hell, too.” Carlson hates the smell of the dog and he is trying to persuade Slim that the dog should be put out of its misery and Candy should be given a new pup to raise. In his defense Candy says “I been around him so much I never notice how he stinks.” But Carlson does not back down and keeps saying that he is not any good no more and how he should be put out of his misery. Candy starts panicking and does not know what to say. He eventually says, “Well-hell! I had him so long. Had him since he was a pup. I herded sheep with him.” But Carlson still does not back down. He offers to shoot the dog so it is not Candy that does it. Candy is an old man and he does not have enough in him to argue with Carlson. In the end Carlson takes the dog and shoots it. As soon as Candy hears the shot in the distance he blocks himself out from everyone. He feels alone now that the dog that he raised from a pup is gone. But later that day after all the ranch workers leave and Candy, George and Lennie are left alone, Lennie starts talking about their dream and the land they are going to have, Candy is suddenly interested. Steinbeck says, “Old Candy turned slowly over. His eyes were wide open.” We later find out that Candy has money and he wants to come with Lennie and George and buy the land and live with them. Candy says “I ain’t much good with on’y one hand. I lost my hand right here on this ranch. That’s why they gave me a job swampin’.” Candy knows that the ranch is not going to want him much longer since he is old and has no hand. When they start discussing it they are all amazed that this dream might actually come true. Before they only had it as hope, but now it is a possibility. Candy explains that as soon as he cannot swamp they will “can” him and he will be left alone with no job and no money. He also says that he wishes he would be put out of his misery, the same way his dog was. But Candy has some new hope now and has created an odd relationship with Lennie and George.

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Curley’s wife is another character that has been affected by loneliness. Candy briefly describes her and tells George what he thinks of her, “Well I think Curley’s married…a tart.” Candy explains that after being married only two weeks to Curley, she has got the ‘eye’. This means that she likes to flirt with other men. Candy also says that she gives the eye to nearly all the men. She is also labeled as a ‘jail bird’.

George says, “ Don’t you even take a look at that bitch. I don’t care what she says and what she does. ...

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