Leadership Essay

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You are going to write an essay in response to the following question:

In Lord of the Flies, Golding presents two contrasting forms of leadership. Who do you think makes a better leader and why? What do you think Golding is trying to tell us about the qualities of a good leader?

Note: in order to answer this essay question, you must consider the two parts of the question: Who makes a better leader? What is Golding trying to tell us?

An Essay in 6 Easy Steps

Step One: Define leadership. What is leadership? What differentiates a good leader from a bad one?

Step Two: Start by brainstorming about the different types of leadership presented.

Step Three: Decide, based on your brainstorm, who you think makes a better leader.

Step Four: Decide what you think Golding wants us to believe. Make sure you can support your ideas with quotes and references from the text.

Step Five: Organize your ideas.

Step Six: Write the essay, edit it and hand it in.

How to Structure your Essay

Use the following writing frame as a guideline for your essay. Remember, every essay must have a clearly defined introduction, body and conclusion. If you feel comfortable modifying the frame, please do. It is only a guide.

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 Paragraph 1: Introduction

The novel Lord of the Flies raises many questions about the nature of leadership and authority. Leadership can be defined as … and a good leader is … Golding presents… He does this by … As I will demonstrate, … because… Golding clearly intended…

Paragraph 2: Ralph’s Leadership

Ralph is elected leader in the first Chapter of the novel because … He is … His leadership is … because … In addition, … Furthermore, …

Paragraph 3: Jack’s Leadership

Although Jack is never formally elected leader he… He represents… He rules ...

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