Lennie and George have known each other for a very long time and they have a great friendship. They travel together from ranch to ranch trying to get money that they can save and buy a ranch with. In the beginning of the book it says, 'They had walked in a single file down the path and even in the open one stayed behind the other.' (Steinbeck, 2). This shows that they stay together even when walking. Walking one behind the other shows that the man in the front is looking out for the other man. 'No look! I was jus' foolin Lennie cause I want you to stay with me.' (Steinbeck, 15). After George is mean to Lennie, George is very upset about it so he apologizes deeply to Lennie. Many other men would not apologize and walk away. George and Lennie also have another good friend, Candy.
George and Lennie also have a great friendship with Candy the 'swamper' (a swamper is a person who sweeps the barn, bunk house etc). Candy is an old man who has been on the ranch for a long time with only one hand who's only good friend up until the last month was an old dog the recently was euthanized. Candy cares about Lennie enough to look for him. Most characters in the book would not have even asked about Lennie. 'Slim went into town, say you seen Lennie?' (Steinbeck, 82). Candy also is good friends with George, 'You god damn right were gonna do it. George says we are.' This shows that George and Candy are friends and that Candy has respect for George. George and Candy’s relationship is quite strange because Candy is much older than George and he is more of an experienced ranch hand. Even though George, Candy and Lennie’s relationship is special the people that have the strongest most meaningful friendship is Lennie and George.
George and Lennie share a bond so strong that when George killed Lennie, he was partially killing himself. 'The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger. The crash of the shot rolled up the hills and rolled down again.' (Steinbeck 117). George and Lennie are like two halves of one person and they realize how special there relationship is. George was looking out for George by shooting him because he knew if he let Curly kill him; his death would be slow and painful.
To conclude with although loneliness, dreams and inequality are major themes in John Steinbeck's literary classic Of Mice and Men the one that is most important to people is friendship so that they don't become 'mean' and bitter. This novel is similar to Harry Potter because in both books there are good friendships. In Harry Potter people envy Harry, Ron and Hermione's friendship and in Of Mice and Men many people envy Lennie and George's relationship.