Love in Romeo and Juliet

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Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is a play about two lovers separated by their feuding families. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.(Pro.I.6) The two foes Shakespeare speaks of are the Montagues and the Capulets. Their hate for each other is great and violent. The hate of the two families is shown early with a street brawl. The hate causes the lovers to hide their love from their families until the very end. after Romeo and Juliet died in the Caplulet tomb the two families see their hate and reconcile for the love of their beloved children. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet reviled love as a war as a religion as a malady and as a cult. The theme of love, which he explains in other keys in plays before and after remain central, though now it is to idealized in all seriousness(Sauffer 29). All through the play Shakespeare constantly held love as the basis of the play. The actual ethical energy of the drama resides in its Wise, realization of the purity and intensity of ideal love. Here there is no
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swerving(Stauffer 32). Stauffer believes that Romeo and Juliet's love was pure and intense also it is constant ever since the they lay eyes on each other. Romeo and Juliet's love is a perfect blending of body and soul. The obstacle which is a feature of the amour-passion legend is partly external, the family feud; but is partly a sword of the lovers' won tempering since, unlike earlier tellers of the story, Shakespeare leaves us with no explanation of why Romeo did not put Juliet on his horse and make for Manturia(Mahood 392). If Romeo would leave Verona with his love ...

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