The other reason that I chose this scene is because it has music being sung, apart from this scene I don’t think there is anymore music being sung. Music also brings commotion and attracts merriment to the film. This also is another way of showing how some people fell in the film. Although Baz Luhrmann does not have much singing in the film, he still manages to have a lot of music being played. I like it when he as music playing normal and then just before something dramatic is going to, or is happening the music changes into a more serious type. For example at the party when Romeo and Juliet find out that both of their families are enemies. Baz Luhrmann plays a song called “Doves Cry”; I think he plays this song because in the Romeo and Juliet book William Shakespeare wrote he liked to mention a lot about birds. For example “Snowy doves trooping with crows” quote from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 5. I think relates to the song “Doves Cry”.
Thirdly the other reason I selected this part is because Mercutio is wearing female clothes, this gives the impression that Mercutio could be a cross dresser. It makes the viewer think about his sexuality. The reason I think Baz Luhrmann chose to dress Mercutio like this is to show that him and his friends like him for who he is not for what he wears. Another reason is to show that he is well off and no one will not question or laugh at him for what he is wearing.
Third Clip
The third clip I have selected is when Romeo and Juliet first meet at the Capulet’s party; they first see each other through a fish tank. Romeo had come in the room to wash his face with water then he saw Juliet. Water is a recurring motif in this film. Another example of the reoccurring motif of water is when Romeo Kills Tybalt, Tybalt falls straight into a pool of water. There are many reoccurring motifs in this film another major one is the camera angles that Baz Luhrmann uses. I noticed while watching this film that one of his favourite camera angles is close up face shots and birds eye view shots. I think he used these shots many times because he thinks they will grab the viewer’s eye. When they look at each other the music suddenly changes in to a slow song. I chose this scene because it is a major part of the film and it is very visually strong.
The other reason I picked this scene is because, the costumes Baz Luhrmann selected for Romeo and Juliet to wear showed love. Juliet was wearing a dress with angel wings attached this shows that Juliet is a nice and polite person. Romeo was wearing a knight’s armour. I think Baz Luhrmann chose this costume to let the audience know that Romeo was at the party to find his princess. Another good costume Baz Luhrmann used was on Tybalt (Juliet’s cousin) he was wearing a devil out fit which showed hatred. This shows that Tybalt had bad intentions and he wanted to cause trouble. There is irony in Romeo’s costume this is because he is meant to be a knight in shinning armour but it all goes wrong and nothing ends up being perfect.
Fourth Clip
My fourth clip is when Tybalt and Benvolio (Romeo’s Cousin) are told to put their guns down and surrender. This is when I start to show the conflict that is going on in the film between Capulets and Montagues. Baz Luhrmann uses again the bird’s eye view angle. This is a good type of camera shot for this clip because it shows you what their surroundings are.
The second reason I chose this scene is because, the sound technique that Baz Luhrmann uses in this scene is good. It all goes silent then you hear the policeman say “Put your guns down” This brings all the attention just to Tybalt and Benvolio and not what is happening around them. Another time Baz Luhrmann does this is in the helicopter scene where they are looking for Romeo.
The final reason I chose to use this scene is because it automatically shows that there will be action with guns. It also shows how the two families detest each other and they want to kill one and another.
At the beginning of this scene I will add the following text “Hate”. This will be again on for 2 seconds then will go off. I have added this word to this scene to show that there is also hatred in this film.
Fifth Clip
My fifth clip is when Tybalt kills Mercutio on the beach. I think this scene is excellent. I think this scene is excellent because it is the first actual murder. The camera angles that were being used were perfect. In that scene he used many different angles for example he utilised close ups and wide range shots. This scene will start to show how much tragedy there is through out the film.
The second reason I like this scene is because the sound is superb. At first is calm music then when Tybalt turns up the music changes instantly. This creates the mood that Baz Luhrmann wanted to create.
The other reason I used this is because he uses lighting very effectively. It starts out a really sunny day then suddenly when Mercutio gets stabbed by Tybalt the clouds turn grey and it starts to get very windy. This is called pathetic phallacy; I like it because it has reflected the mood of all the characters especially Mercutio and Tybalt. Another time Baz Luhrmann as used pathetic phallacy is when Romeo kills Tybalt, its all raining and there is a storm going on.
Sixth Clip
The sixth clip I have decided to add in my trailer is when Romeo kills Tybalt. This scene shows how upset that Romeo is feeling because Tybalt had killed his dear friend Mercutio. As soon has Tybalt drives away from killing Mercutio, Romeo straight away goes looking for Tybalt to kill him. I chose this scene because it shows how Romeo is feeling and what he is capable of doing to others.
This is another example of the reoccurring motif of water. When Romeo kills Tybalt, Tybalt falls into a fountain that is filled with water. This is when the weather changes again it starts to rain very heavily and Romeo is getting very wet and upset.
Seventh Clip
The next clip I have chosen to add is when the police officer tells both families that Romeo is banished from the city. This scene is good because it tells you information that what happens to Romeo during the film, it could make the audience want to find out what he had done to get banished.
The lighting in this scene is rather good; you have only the lights from the police vehicles and helicopters. Then the camera just focuses on the police officer and what he is going to say next.
Eighth Clip
This next scene is the most tragic part in the film, it is where Juliet kills herself. She kills herself when she finds out that Romeo has poisoned himself and it is too late to prevent him from dying. Juliet shots herself in the head. I chose this scene to show the love that Romeo and Juliet felt for each other. This showed if they cannot be together neither of them wanted to be alive.
The sound effects that Baz Luhrmann uses are really good and work very effectively. He makes the church go totally silent then you hear Juliet preparing the gun to shoot herself. He also adds an echo of the gun being prepared which also is useful. Baz Luhrmann just wants to focus on the gun at this point of time.
Ninth Clip
The view in this clip is outstanding. It is when Romeo is walking down to Juliet’s tomb in the church. The walk way is full of crosses which are lit. This is another example of symbolism that Baz Luhrmann uses. The shot that Baz Luhrmann uses is called point of view shot, this works very effectively in this part of the film.
The second reason I chose this shot is because of the lighting. Baz Luhrmann makes the church light up with just the light coming from the crosses on the side. This will instantly grab the audience’s attention.
The last reason I chose this scene is because of the sound, the sound is dead silent. You cannot hear nothing until Romeo start to move. The silence will grab the attention again because it will let the audience know that something important is going to happen.
Tenth Clip
My final scene is going to be where Romeo and Juliet are lying together in a tomb. I chose this as my final scene to show that they are finally together at last, even though they are dead. They used two types of camera shots in this part of the film, and they are bird’s eye view and zoom out.
The second reason I used this scene is because it is also the last scene in the film. It shows the audience how it finally turned out and how this tragic story ends.
At the end of this scene it will flash up with the following text”Coming to a cinema near you!” Then it will end on a blank black screen. I put this in my trailer to let the viewer know when the whole film is available to be seen.