Marijuana should be legalized

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Marijuana should be legal

Should marijuana be legal? This is a huge issue that people had discussed about for many years, and a lot of people had use strong-effective arguments to prove what they believe. Although marijuana can cause many health problems to people, such as lung cancers and mouth cancers, it doesn’t mean that marijuana is something bad. For example, marijuana can create medical and economic benefits to government and the citizens. Despite the damages marijuana would cause to our body, I still think it should still be legal.

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Now I am going to raise some points and arguments that I found during the research of the debate, to prove what I believe in- marijuana should be legal!

  • About 37 million non-violent drug offenders get arrested by using marijuana in America, so by passing legislation to legalize marijuana can also free up our already overcrowded jail system and save the money that we use to keep those drug offenders in prison, which is about $30,000 per person per year. We would generate a tax revenue of $6.2 billion and save $7.7 billion in government expenditure if ...

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