My childhood house

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My childhood house

When I was a child I used to live in a house which was very old and very big.  To add a bit of ambience, there is one of the largest graveyards in the nation right across my street.  It used to give me creeps especially around Halloween.

        The house was quite old if I remember rightly; I think it was built in the 1800s.  There would be usual sounds of an old house, the creeks and groans and the occasional sounds here and there.  The cellar was very eerie as most cellars would be.  There was one room in the cellar; it was a storage room that was most disturbing.  No one ever went in there unless it was necessary, no one stayed in there longer than they had to.

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        My brother and I would swear we saw eyes watching us from the dark room sometime.  My brother used to tell me the weird dreams he used to have.  It seemed as if the house was trying to communicate with him.  One of the dreams he had was of small children writing on the living room walls, and an adult, maybe one of the children’s parent, yelling at them.  Not long after, my parents decide to decorate the living room.  We had friend and relative’s helping us helping us strip off the wallpaper.  There must have been at least twenty ...

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