of mice and men coursework

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 Lewis Hayward              

(0f mice and men) 

Trouble for Lennie

The great depression of the 1930`s was a dramatic, worldwide economic downturn which effected the industrialized country’s and caused international trade to decrease. Facing plummeting demand with few alternate sources of jobs, areas dependent on primary sector industries such as: farming, mining and logging suffered the most. This caused thousands of men like George and Lennie to move from place to place to find work at farms and poorly paid jobs which some times causes people to be homeless.

We learn at first that George is “small, quick, has a dark face, with restless eyes and has strong hands with slender arms.”  “We learn that Lennie is a huge man with a shapeless face, large pale eyes and wide slopping shoulders.” This can appear to most people that Lennie is a aggressive person and can be capable of hurting someone if he got in a fight. John Steinbeck the author describes Lennie as a bear because the way he drags his legs and arms when he walks. We also learn that Lennie mimics whatever George does e.g. when George laid back on the sand then Lennie imitates him and also the way Lennie copies the way George walks. We learn that Lennie depends on George e.g. “I want you with me, Lennie Jesus Christ, somebody shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself, no you stay with me.” This could get Lennie in trouble because if one day George isn’t with him he wouldn’t have anyone telling him the right from wrong. Also Lennie is unable to work for himself so he wouldn’t have anything to live on.

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We learn that Lennie likes to pet soft things, which looks innocent at the start of the book when he wants to pet the dead mouse and when George explains the dream to Lennie about the rabbits. As the story progresses we learn that this is a dangerous habit e.g. “The hell with the rabbits, and you aren’t to be trusted with no live mice, you always killed them.” This can prove dangerous because one day Lennie might pet someone’s animal to hard and kill it and then he will be in trouble. Also we learn that Lennie is ...

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