One way John Steinbeck explores the relationship between George and Lennie in 'Of mice and men' is by showing the difficulties they have within their friendship.

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One way John Steinbeck explores the relationship between George and Lennie in 'Of mice and men' is by showing the difficulties they have within their friendship. In the story 'of mice and men ' Lennie is seen as a ' horse' , a ' bear ' and ' terrier' meaning he quite animal -like , Lennie is also seen as child -like and this can be a problem for George as he misses adult company , he also feels that he ' could live so easy ' at times as Lennie doesn't always follow and remember what he says . Other characters such as Slim notice this as when George and Slim have a conversation about George and Lennie's friendship Slim mentions that Lennie's ' Jes like a kid'. John Steinbeck uses the language technique of a simile by making other characters compare him to a child , Steinbeck has used this tecnique so we can see how difficult it is for George to be there for Lennie at times . Steinbeck also uses animal imagery when saying Lennie was ' snorting into the water like a horse ' and he 'dabbled his big paw ' , this is to show what Lennie's behaviour is like so we can empathise with George .

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Another way John Steinbeck explores the relationship between George and Lennie in 'Of mice and men' is by showing what keeps them together . The american dream ( one of the main themes of this story )  is something they both have in common and is what mainly keeps them together . In the last chapter George talks to Lennie about the dream they shared for one last time before he shoots Lennie . He says their gonna ' get a little place ' , they'll ' have a cow ' and ' maybe a pig an' chickens ' also ...

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