Persuasive Essay on the Drawbacks of Technology.

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 "Facebook me later!" or "Hey did you see that picture on Tumblr?" are some of the phrases you may hear from many people nowadays. For some reason people just love these sites! Have you ever stopped to think why so many people use these social media sites? Although there are certain pros to using these sites, don't get me wrong, the cons definitely outweigh the pros. There are many consequences to using these sights, like the fact that once you put something online you can never erase it , there are many hackers and identity thiefs out there trying to get your information, and that it can even put your future at risk; and these are just to name a few.

   Before you post a picture, comment, blog, video, etc, online, have you ever stopped to think that once you post whatever it is you are posting online, it will remain there perpetually? I know many of you think that once you delete something it's erased permanently. The truth of the matter is that it's not. You may have deleted it, but you don't know who saw it, who could have saved it to their hard drive, or how many of their friends they may have showed it to. It may no longer "be there" but people may still be talking about it or even looking at it. Now let's fast forward a little. Let's say you're currently married and have children. Now, you posted an indecent picture of yourself online back when you were a teenager. One of your kids happen to stumble upon this picture. What do you do now? You may have deleted it and thought it was gone forever, but regrettably it's not, and now it's back to haunt you.

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   Another big problem with these social media sites is that there are always identity thiefs, hackers, and just plain old thiefs out there trying to get a hold of your information. I understand your chances of being hacked may seem very slim, but is anyone ever really "safe" online? The more information you put out there, the easier it is to steal things from you. As a matter of fact, according to a young hacker himself that broke into NASA   "Well, it's power at your fingertips. You can control all these computers from the government, from the military, ...

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