Romeo and Juliet were ‘Star Crossed Lovers,’

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Explain the Theme of Fate in Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet were ‘Star Crossed Lovers,’ as the prologue at the beginning of the play indicated. They had fate against them. In that time, people were very wary of what the stars said. If two people’s stars were crossed in the sky, they would never remain together. Obviously, Romeo and Juliet didn’t ‘live happily ever after’ as their death in the end proved. But there were many unfortunate happenings that led up to their death. Fate was not on their side. First of all, Romeo only met Juliet by chance. Only because the Capulet servant was blind and unable to read the list of guests, Romeo was allowed into the ball. By unfortunate chance, Romeo and Juliet fell in love before they realised that they were from opposing families. After Romeo and Juliet’s marriage, Romeo did not want to fight Tybalt. But because Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo demanded revenge. Things still might have worked out between the two lovers. After enough time passed, Romeo and Juliet could tell their families what happened and Romeo could return to Verona. But, Juliet’s parents want her to marry Paris. The friar concocts another plan. He gives Juliet the will make her appear dead for forty-two hours. However, for a second time, destiny is not on their side. The letter sent by the friar never reaches Romeo because of a quarantine. The friar arrives too late to stop Romeo from killing himself. Juliet awakes only minutes after Romeo died. The list is long, illustrating the power of fate in the case of Romeo and Juliet.

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From the first lines of the play the audience is made aware of the role of fate and of the ultimate deaths of the lovers.  The educated audience member will be instantaneously aware that when fate is at work the outcome is inevitable.  However, if the rich imagery and forwards in the text are used well then we cannot help but hope that Fate will be thwarted.  Fate, rather than being personified as in earlier times, is given power and substance through cosmic imagery.  Shakespeare also uses every form and manifestation of light in the imagery surrounding the two lovers.


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