The Crucible

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Emma Keaney 11PH

The Crucible Coursework

The real reason “The Crucible” has remained a popular play is because it is not about witches in a tiny American village way back in 1962. What makes it popular and still relevant today is Miller’s creation of John Proctor, an ordinary man who becomes a memorable hero, standing up for what is right.

    To an extent, if at all, would you agree that this is the reason for the continuing success of Miller’s play?

“The Crucible” is a play written by Arthur Miller in the 1950s around the time of the McCarthy political “witch hunts” in America. McCarthy, in America in the 1950s, led enquiries into “un-American” activities. Many people were accused without actual proof being given of being communists. This way of accusing and punishing was seen by many people to be like the “Salem witch hunt”, in 1962. During the “Salem witch hunt” whoever was believed to be a witch was hung. The play shows how a group of girls who began messing with witchcraft, protect themselves by accusing other people. The jails filled up with many innocent people, twenty of whom were hung.  

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    The play is relevant today because it has similarities in our modern day issues, as for example in our attitudes towards terrorism, as it seems anyone can be accused of being a terrorist without clear proof. Also me see how Hitler persecuted and tortured the Jews because he saw them as an impure race. The title of the play “The Crucible” carries certain ideas, irradicating impurity. A crucible is a pot used to get rid of any impurities from metal. The Crucible Court tries to get rid of any impurities in Salem and Proctor is purified by his ...

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