The discourse of feminity promoted in Cosmopolitan

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The discourse of feminity promoted in Cosmopolitan


The discourse of femininity constructed by Cosmopolitan magazine through the study of the model reader reveals women to be: skinny, beautiful, blonde, Caucasian, tanned, tall and with an unblemished complexion. Although the ‘ideal’ woman constructed by this magazine mostly consists of physical attributes, Cosmopolitan also asserts them to be independent and upbeat with sex appeal to boot. The predominantly ‘beautiful’ female presented in this very popular magazine is often destructive of women’s self-identity, causing them to be vulnerable to outside approval. The magazine constructs this version of femininity through the cover, editorial and advertising content.

        The analysis of Cosmopolitan reveals the way the model reader influences the magazines discourse of femininity. The model reader of this magazine is a 17-25 year old single or in a short term relationship female. She is upbeat, sophisticated and focused on ways of maintaining her independence and is interested in her future career, relationships and happiness. She has sufficient disposable income and a stable job that allows her to spend it on a car, technology, fashion, make-up and recreational activities but seeks to find ways to budget. She is health-conscious and is concerned about her appearance. She seeks to be seen as educated and informed on crisis situations and life skills. The model reader is interested in whatever can give her a more exciting, fun-filled, friend-filled, man loved life. She is ambitious and assertive, wielding her knowledge to seduce men , look good and lead a successful life. She seeks to be seen as sexy, fashionable, beautiful and stable both monetarily and emotionally. Whatever she aspires, desires or represents is mirrored in this magazine, therefore embodying the discourse of femininity.

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        The cover of the magazine uses words and pictures to gain the model reader’s attention. They do this by incorporating the main desires of the model reader. On the front of the February 2005 edition of Cosmopolitan, the magazine absorbs the readers’ attention with a bright, bold and very large; “Beauty tips, tricks and fixes; new looks for under $100.” This statement is obviously very important for its large writing. It positions the model reader to become interested as the article guarantees the reader a cheap, easy and quick way to change your appearance for a more appealing look. The magazine ...

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