The influence of the witches and Lady Macbeth on Macbeth.

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The influence of the witches and Lady Macbeth on Macbeth

The combination of the prophecies by witches and the influence of Lady Macbeth on Macbeth are what precipitate the tragedy. He is first influenced by the witches when he is with Banquo in the beginning of the play. Next, he is influenced by his wife who persuades him to kill the King. Finally, by the end of the play Macbeth is influenced by his own mind, when he goes insane and loses his conscience.

Macbeth is first influenced by the witches. The prophecies which were told by the witches were one of the factors which contributed to the degeneration of his character. In Act One, when Macbeth is returning home, he and Banquo pass three witches who predict the future. They tell Macbeth that he will become the Thane of Cawdor and then the King. At first Macbeth thinks nothing of the meeting with the witches, and is told by Banquo to ignore the prophecies. However, soon after their meeting Macbeth is crowned the Thane of Cawdor. The witches also prophesize that, “The power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth.” At this moment he begins to believe the prophecies that the witches predicted may hold some truth. If it were only the witches’ prophecies, then Macbeth would surely not have murdered Duncan.

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Lady Macbeth plays a key role in influencing her husband to take the path that he does. Macbeth returns home and tells his wife that he is the Thane of Cawdor and she begins to try and persuade him to kill the king so that they can become King and Queen. At first Macbeth completely ignores his wife’s pleas to kill the king, but she then persuades Macbeth by accusing him of being a coward and saying that she would have murdered her child while it was feeding at her breast, rather than break such a promise Macbeth has ...

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