The Significance of Power in Macbeth

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English Literature: Macbeth Extended Response, Term 3 2012, By Caleb Goh

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Hypothesis:  Dramatic relationships are often the site of power games between characters.

                        Discuss the significance of power, and the resistance to power, in Macbeth.

The significance of power in the play Macbeth is portrayed as a tangible force that can change people in an incomprehensible way. The play begins with Macbeth and Banquo receiving the witches’ predictions, but both react differently to the question of power. The resistance to power is a temptation that is incredibly difficult to resist. Macbeth initially tries to resist attaining the most powerful position in his reach- that of a king, but eventually succumbs to the taunts and leadings of his wife, Lady Macbeth. Power games occur between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth most vividly throughout the play. Lady Macbeth’s motives and purpose are both complex and mysterious, but she plays a vital role in persuading her husband to murder Duncan and gain power. These games also take place between other characters, initially being between Banquo and Macbeth. Malcolm, Duncan’s heir and son, displays his shrewdness and cunning when he tests Macduff’s loyalty before they attempt to regain his father’s lost power. Here Shakespeare makes comment on the often unattractive qualities required to stay in power, and the different ways one will try to remain in power. Power and ambition plays a central role and is a major theme in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. In Macbeth, trying to resist power is futile. His unbridled passion to become the most powerful develops slowly but surely in the play and is urged on by Lady Macbeth. This dangerous desire changed and transformed Macbeth into a heartless killer. After studying the dramatic relationships and the power games that occur, it is evident that power has a very significant role in the play Macbeth. Shakespeare portrays power as a natural desire that pervades the mind and heart in many different forms, and gradually has a tighter grip on someone’s life if it is allowed to grow, unchecked. It also has the ability to change a person completely. This happens to Macbeth throughout the play, and his transformation from his start in the film to his end displays that. Resisting power is also something that all major characters fail to do, as they strive to become more powerful than each other. This enforces the greatness of the temptation of in power. Shakespeare also suggests that there is a line that can be crossed in the pursuit of becoming powerful and when that line is crossed, there is no turning back, and this play can be considered as a warning to be wary of crossing it.

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From the beginning of the play, both Macbeth and Banquo are shown to be ambitious, but the way they react to the witches prophecies are very different. After the prophecy that he will become the Thane of Cawdor comes true, Macbeth says to Banquo, ‘Do you not hope your children will be kings, When those that gave me the Thane of Cawdor gave no less to them?’ Macbeth starts to believe the witches prophecies and begins to wonder how he might become king. Banquo replies, ‘That, trusted home, Might yet enkindle you unto the crown.’, which means to say ...

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