Human Effect On The Carbon Cycle

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Human Effect On The Carbon Cycle

   An increase in greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, majority of it being carbon dioxide, is the cause of global warming, otherwise known as the enhanced greenhouse effect.

   During the past 200 years there has been an increase of 30% in the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.  The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation are human activities, which are responsible for the rapid increase in carbon dioxide concentrations.

   In order to assess the impact of human activity on the carbon cycle, scientists are currently working to improve their knowledge of the circulation between the atmosphere, the oceans, the land and the biosphere.

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Picture Above: The global carbon cycle. Numbers represent the mass of carbon, in gigatonnes of carbon (Gt C). (A gigatonne is a thousand million tonnes.)                              Source: Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA (2000)

   Currently each year, during the combustion of fossil fuels around 6.5 billion tonnes of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere.  Another 1-2 billion tonnes is emitted per year from land clearing.  About ...

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