Tropical Rainforest - weather and climate

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TROPICAL RAINFOREST                Weather & Climate         

Case Study of

  • People’s interference in a natural ecosystem
  • How an ecosystem / climate can be changed by people

 Where is the rainforest ?

Generally between Tropics of Cancer & Capricorn around Equator, 23 ½ degrees north and south of the equator. Rainforest describes vegetation which is dense and lush growing in this hot wet zone. Rainforests grow in conditions with over 2,000 mm of rain and temps are above 26 degrees Celsius all year round.

Rainforests cover 6 million square kms, 7% of the earth’s surface. Approx.  60% of the world’s rainforests are found in Brazil.

What is the rainforest like ?

Hot conditions with tropical storms late morning to early afternoon as heat builds up.  Humid conditions encourage great bio – diversity. Very dense vegetation. Scientists estimate that…..

  • Brazil’s rainforest is home to at least half the world’s bird population.
  • 6 out of 10 living species in the world are to be found in the tropical rainforest.  
  • Rainforests have been the source for medicinal plants which are known cures for e.g leukaemia and are used in manufacture of contraceptive pills.  

Emergent layer – single tall trees which fight above the canopy to get sunlight.

Forest floor dark – very little sunlight pierces layers of vegetation.

Trees have shallow roots remaining where nutrients are.

Contrary to popular belief soils are poor – almost all nutrients are held in trees because the vegetation growth is so strong and the nutrients are needed.  

Complex linking of precipitation, interception, evaporation, evapotranspiration.

Plants use sunlight to photosynthesise – CO 2  exchange hence term “lungs of the world”

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Uses of the forest

Brazil’s economic pressures

In the 1970's five main pressures created the debts:

  1. Oil prices rose (doubled then quadrupled by 1979) so Brazils import bill increased as it tried to fuel growing industry.
  2. Oil rich countries had money to lend – Brazil borrowed from them and World Bank etc…
  3. Export profits have had to be used to pay interest on international debts (from loans)
  4. Prices for Brazil's exports fell on the world market (coffee, other food items).
  5. The International Monetary Fund has pressured Brazil to ...

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