- Told the Head practitioner in my class room that a child would be picked up earlier than usual as their parents have said so.
- Informed a member of staff of a child’s behaviour towards another child.
Unit 6 Task 3
Describe how a meal or snack time that I have been involved in was a learning situation for children.
How were social skills being encouraged?
During snack and meal times because I work with 3 year olds I would not expect much from them because of their age, but I would expect that they are able to:
- wash their hands before their meals with adult supervision
- Get their own bottles as their names are written on them
- To choose which type of cutlery that they will use during their meal
The kind of social communications that should be encouraged would be:
- Taking turns
- Talking about what they have done far during the day
- I f they like the food that they are eating
- What they think they are having for desert
The children are expected to:
- Sit in their chairs
- Backs should be straight
- No elbows on the tables
- Not talk with their mouths full of food
We should let the child serve themselves because it:
- Makes them feel more confident in their selves
- They will rely less on the members of staff to serve them
- They feel proud because we have also praised them and it will make more of the students want to do it as well
The children are made aware of healthy eating, different foods and ways of eating by:
- Using Knives and forks during meal times
- If it is a different type of food from a different country they are encouraged to eat the same ways that that country eats their dishes
The discussion about the menu is made by the chef who has to think about the children with allergies the chef then takes it to the manager and the manager then agrees or disagrees with the decisions that the chef has made.
Unit 6 Task 4
When promoting positive aspects of behaviour you should do it through:
- Praise
- Rewards
- Acknowledging good behaviour in front of others
- Make sure the children understand what is expected of them
- Make sure that your expectations are age appropriate
I would respond to unwanted behaviour by:
- 5 minute time out
- Because of the age of the child you would have to get down to their level and explain to them what they have done wrong and why they should not do it again but in a way that they would understand.
I can be a good role model by:
- Using appropriate language in from of children
- Dressing should not be exposing
- Sit down when eating, drink water, and finish all the food on my plate so that the children can do so as well
- Wash my hands when I finish using the toilet and before meal time
- Don’t talk with my mouth full when eating.