The Pros and Cons of Smoking

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The medical research turns against smoking and refers to the dangers. However the rising consumption shows that more people begin with smoking. Therefore is to be examined in the following, the effects of smoking and what speaks for and against smoking. Many smokers have the opinion that the smoking of cigarettes has a lot of positive effects. The most important thing for them is the joy of smoking. They enjoy the taste. Also most of them smoke only a certain cigarette mark, which tastes particularly good to them. Another point is that it is easier to get to know other people if one smokes as if one doesn’t. Because a smoker can simply ask other smokers for a cigarette or for a lighter. That is not so simple with nonsmokers. Furthermore many smokers think that smoking helps to relax. The daily stress at work, trouble with the fellow men and overcrowded department stores affect humans very unpleasantly so they need compensation. In these situations the cigarette is like a release for smokers and strange enough they see it as a possibility of breathing deeply finally.

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The reason for this is the Nicotine temporarily stimulates the nervous system. For example to an exam they feel less nervous, if they smoke a cigarette. Because it helps to concentrate on other things than the exam. Another positive effect is that smoking supports thinking. Many smokers say that they can concentrate best with a cigarette.

There is also a biochemical explanation, which means that nicotine in low dosages improves the attention and the memory. Besides the positive effects there are also negative effects of smoking. Not only nonsmokers say that smoking is a bad and expensive habit. Cigarettes are ...

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Much of this work looking at the pros and cons of smoking is satisfactory. As the unit information for this work is not available, I will make general comments as to how to the work could be improved. A good introduction would be beneficial as it would allow the reader to understand the purpose of the essay. There were some instances of unsubstantiated comments: ensure it is clear what is the writer?s own opinion and what is supported by research/information in the public domain. Proof-read carefully to eliminate the grammatical errors present. 3/5