Who and what were pirates?

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By: Kristi Bryson

Who and what were pirates?  That seems like a silly question.  Everyone knows what pirates were, they were rough, nasty men with big hats, black beards, parrots, eye-patches, and sailed around in fabulous ships with lots of masts and cannons, yelling foul-mouthed oaths and annihilating everyone who got in their way.  Those ideas are more of less true, but it’s only half the story.  There have been pirates around as long as there have been boats and there are even pirates today.  The main centuries of piracy were the sixteenth to the eighteenth century.  In this essay, I’m going to discuss the evolution and stereotypical image of pirates throughout historical times from fairy tales to the nasty modern pirates.

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The sixteenth century is the birth of the pirate’s signature.  The perception of pirates is sea robbers and gangs of lawless men, due to the fact of the life at home to the life in piracy.  Life at home included plagues, hard work on the land, harsh punishment and strict laws while life at sea consists of freedom, fresh air and wealth.  The reason that pirates are mostly tough, rowdy, brutal and mercilessly cruel but that was only because they had one dream in the back of their mind; they wanted to become rich as quickly as possible. ...

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