Civil Rights essay Assignment 1 Question 1

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Assignment 2 question 1

In the following essay I will highlight how far the Civil Rights Movement between 1950 and 1969 improved the position of African Americans in relation to Education, their social, political and economical position, with particular emphasis to both the successes and failures of the Civil Rights Movement.

During the 1950’s the National association for the advancement of coloured people (NAACP) and other civil rights pressure groups used the courts in an attempt to end racial discrimination. The NAACP appealed to the supreme court in 1952 in an attempt to rule that school segregation was unconstitutional, however they failed as the court ruled that separate schools were acceptable as long as they were ‘separate and equal’. It was relatively easy for the NAACP to show that separate schools were definitely not equal. As a result, the Supreme Court made a ruling in 1954 that separate schools were not equal and ruled that they were therefore unconstitutional. This ruling appeared to be a success for the civil rights movement and to a slight degree it was, because it was now unlawful for school pupils to be segregated, however states in the Deep South refused to accept the judgement of the Supreme Court. In September 1957 the Governor of Little Rock, Arkansas used military force to stop black students from attending the Local school. These events were shown around the world damaging the image of the United States as leaders of the ‘free world’. The media attention had a positive effect for the civil rights movement as it forced the President, Eisenhower to intervene by sending troops to Arkansas to ensure black children could attend the school. Although it was now illegal to segregate black and white students by 1963 only 10% of black students went to integrated schools. So although the civil rights movement did have some success in addressing inequality in education between 1950 and 1969 their success was very limited.

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Socially Black people were discriminated almost everywhere. They were treated as second class citizens, been prevented from mixing with white people on public transport, in restaurants and other social places. If they disobeyed they were arrested and fined. In 1952 segregation on inter state railways was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. This was followed by a similar judgement in 1954 concerning inter state buses. However states in the south continued their own policy of segregation whereby white people sat at the front on public transport while black people sat at the back. One particularly humiliating rule was that ...

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