Crusades were aggressive and barbaric attacks on Muslims made by the Christians in 1095AD. These crusaders wanted to take back the holy land from the Muslims.

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Crusades were aggressive and barbaric attacks on Muslims made by the Christians in 1095AD. These crusaders wanted to take back the holy land from the Muslims. These holy lands included primarily Jerusalem. The documents contained in historical records suggest that the Muslims found the European invaders to be physically strong and enormous, but hideous and barbaric in their practices. Many, many things about the Crusaders seem to have revolted the Muslims. For example, in 1099, in the area of Ma'arra, Crusaders consumed the corpses of both Saracens and Turks and of dogs - with the Muslims appalled by such practices. They were equally upset with the Crusader's penchant for trials by ordeal and the cruel and irrational medical practices of the Europeans, whose knowledge of medicine, sanitation, and even personal hygiene were significantly behind those of the Islamic world. The chroniclers suggested that the Europeans were, in some critical ways such as personal hygiene and medical care, significantly improved by their prolonged and intimate contact with Islam and its body of knowledge. (Riley, 243-245)

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What the West remembers as a glorious and epic effort to recapture the Holy Land, the Arab, Islamic world remembers as a brutal, often savage, and largely unprovoked attack. The historical information by Muslims demonstrates that the Muslim world at the time was not "one big, happy family," but a world in which one faction was at odds with another. The Seljuk Turks had conquered many Muslim lands and were quarrelling with Muslims as well as among themselves over dynastic matters. Not only national or cultural rivalries divided the Muslim's dissent over religious heterodoxy were also endemic then (again, as ...

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