How Far Do You Agree That It Was Clear From The Beginning That The League of Nations Would Fail?

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How Far Do You Agree That It Was Clear From The Beginning That The League of Nations Would Fail?

        The League of Nations was always a rather idealistic idea.  The idea of keeping peace around the world obviously had good intentions but there would always be conflicting issues between member states of the League.

        When founded on January 10th 1920, The League of Nations was made up of 24 nations including Britain and France who were the economic haves from the First World War, this meant they had benefited through gaining in land and reparations money in the wake of the First World War. This gave the League strength in numbers and they were seen as more authoritative as many nations agreed with the idea of the League and joined, giving it power.  Although many of these nations were based in Europe, notable absentees were USA and Russia, Britain and France were not happy with Russian for leaving the War before the end so would not have Russia in the League, this caused tensions around the world that which League should have been trying to eliminate, it was not a good start, this also applied to the fact that Germany were not allowed to join until 1926, by rejecting about some nations, it created an ‘us vs. them’ mentality which was not good for a peaceful world.

        Woodrow Wilson (US president) devised a fourteen-point plan on the League’s principles and aims and proposed them to American Congress on January 8th 1918; this was essentially the first public announcement of the idea of an international peacekeeping force.  However in 1921 a new President was elected called Harding, Harding was not in favour of the league so withdrew the USA from any involvement with the league.  This was a big blow as USA was a very large and influential power in world politics.  USA was a growing power and France and Britain were dwindling powers this meant gave the League a bad start, as there was not enough authority and powerful states to uphold the Leagues principles of peace around the world.  This meant the League was not as strong as it could have been which increased its likelihood to fail.

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        At the start of the League of Nations there was a genuine mood of co-operation and goodwill between the member states.  The League was also popular with countries around the world and got a lot of support a further 14 nations joined in the first 4 years of the League and no nations left.  The League also vowed to put The League’s interests above its individual states interests.  The League promised to help all states globally, whether important or not, big, small even if they were not a member state, The League wanted a fair and peaceful world.  In 1920 ...

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