Jack the Ripper questions and answers.

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Jack the Ripper Coursework        Laura Unite 11G

  1. Describe Law and Order in London in the late nineteenth century.

The British Police Force was created in the nineteenth century. The Bow Street Runners were the first and set up in 1749. The Home Secretary, Sir Robert Peel, set up the metropolitan Police Force in 1829 and they became known as the ‘peelers’ or ‘bobbies’ after their founder. From the on the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Force was responsible to the Home Secretary.

Before Peel set up the Metropolitan Police Force, watchmen and parish constables patrolled the streets of Britsh towns and cities and kept the troublemakers under control. They also prevented disturbances and robberies, and in some cases, riots, which were common in many part of Britain.

Although the ‘bobbies’ duties of dealing with vagrants, prostitutes and drunkenness made the streets more orderly in the second half of the nineteenth century, as the number of street crimes decreased, the number of burglaries increased. This suggests that they were not as effective as they should have been.

The functions of the Metropolitan Police Force were to patrol the streets to keep order and prevent crime. Both the Metropolitan Police Force and the army wore ‘red-coats’ so there was much confusion. As the army had an awful reputation due to frequent deaths of demonstrators, they were distrusted greatly by the British public. At the time the navy were regarded as heroes of Britain, so they chose to wear blue uniforms to distinguish themselves from the army. The force became largely unpopular due to their methods of crowd control; the baton charge used in 1833 at Cold Bath Fields in London resulted in the death of a constable, PC Culley.

        The County and Borough Act made all counties and boroughs create police forces and it provided annual government grants of 25% to help pay for the cost of police forces. In different parts of the country, the police acted in different ways. In some areas the police were used as school attendance officers and dealt with truancies, and in others to enforce the Poor Law. Near rivers, the police were often used as life-savers or inspected bridges. In many market towns the police collected tolls from traders and in larger towns they inspected tramcars.

        The Metropolitan Police Force appointed the first detectives in 1842. The fears regarding using detectives were that they British public were worried that they could not distinguish the plain clothed policemen. Also the Home Office was concerned that the detectives would become too friendly with the criminals it was their job to arrest and become corrupt. After 1860, a Sargeant and an inspector were sent to investigate crimes such as murders. In 1869, the Detective department was created and in 1878 the Criminal Intelligence Department (CID) was set up. During 1879 the number of arrests increased as they number if detectives increased. But in 1884 there were fewer detectives in London than there were in other major cities.

        The police had learnt the value of footprints in the early 1800s. However, detective’s main jobs were to follow suspicious characters. This is very similar to the methods used by the Bobbies. In 1892 the Alphonse Bertillian method of Identification was adapted. This involved measuring parts of the human body, but in 1901, fingerprinting was seen as more significant.

        Police officers in the 1880s had very little training and the time spent before the beat was learning military drills. Some police forces expected them to wear their uniforms all the time, even when not on the beat, to go to church on Sundays, and not to be seen out with women. Many of the constables learnt how to be one of the job, which as not easy. They worked up to fourteen hours a day, seven days a week. In February 1886 the Metropolitan Police Force had to deal with a mass demonstration by the Metropolitan Radical Federation and were backed up by two squadrons of life Guards and two companies of foot guards.

As noticed by the British public, the police favoured the middle and upper class against the poor and working classes. This made the work of the police in poor and working class areas more difficult, the East End of London being the worst.

  1. Why did the Whitechapel murders attract so much attention?

Whitechapel was and still is a cosmopolitan area in the East End of London. Many Jews fled from Russia in the 1880s and settled in the East End.  This caused the Jewish population to rise steadily. Many Poles came to live in the east End after being expelled from Prussia because the rents were low and few questions were asked The majority of the inhabitants of Whitechapel were poor and lived on a day to day basis. In 1888 the Metropolitan Police Force estimated that were 1,200 prostitutes working in Whitechapel and many more women who took clients occasionally to help pay the rent. There were 200 lodging houses, which could sleep 9,000 people in long rooms with rows of beds. The majority of children born in the East End of London died before the age of five, and many who survived were mentally or physically handicapped. This was due to the diseases from the poor sanitation. It was estimated that about 900,000 people lived in the East end. Cattle and sheep were herded through the streets to the numerous slaughter houses in the area, so the streets were stained with blood and excrement of the animals. A witness of the conditions in the east End wrote that it is ‘a vast city, an evil collection of slums that hide human creeping things.’ Another wrote, ‘here are seven people in one underground kitchen and a little dead child lying in the same room.’

After the first two murders, several newspapers published descriptions of Whitechapel. In one was written, ‘The main thoroughfares of Whitechapel are connected by a network of narrow, dark and crooked lanes. Every one apparently containing some headquarters of infamy. The sight and sounds are an apocalypse of evil.’ Another writer says that Wentworth Street is teeming with men lounging at the doors of shops, waiting for an unsuspecting victim to steal from. However, these descriptions were not written by residents of Whitechapel, and instead by middle class people who were horrified by what they saw. There are no descriptions of Whitechapel by people who actually lived there. Also the writers lived to tell the tale without being attacked, so Whitechapel was not perhaps as bad as it was portrayed in their descriptions. However, the truth is that the majority of the large population lived on the wrong side of the law, but did not commit their crimes in Whitechapel itself. Instead, they went to richer areas of London. Whitechapel was certainly a dismal place, frequented by many people, mostly men, from the west End, in search of prostitution, and is definitely a place from which the Ripper could emerge.

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There were several attacks on prostitutes in Whitechapel in the spring and summer of 1888. One of which was Emma Smith, a forty-five year old prostitute, who was attacked and robbed on 2 April. Her face and head were badly injured by a group of men but no one was arrested for her attack. On 6 August, Martha Tabram, another prostitute was found dead in George yard, only a hundred yards from where Emma Smith was attacked. According to her post mortem report she had been stabbed thirty-nine times on her ‘body, neck and private parts with a knife or ...

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