question 5 source questions Arab Israeli conflict

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Question 5 History Coursework

Question: Which interpretation is best supported by the evidence in these sources and your knowledge of the Arab-Israeli conflict?

        There are many interpretations of who was to blame for The Six Day war some accusing the Israelis of being the aggressors and some accusing the Arabs of being the aggressors. I will assess these two using the sources and my own knowledge to see which one is more supported.

a). ‘the Arab powers were threatening her (Israel) with destruction Egypt had already closed the Gulf of Akaba which she knew Israel would regard as an act of war’

b). ‘Israel, urged on by the USA (went to war) to overthrow the Syrian government and suppress the movement for the liberation of Palestine.’

        Source B, D, F, G, H agree with the first statement completely giving evidence of Arab aggression and threats. Source B shows a Jewish man being forced into the sea by the aggressive unified Arab armies. This gives the impression that the Arab armies are pushing forwards and being the aggressors. It was published in an Arab newspaper just before the war to reflect the public hatred of the Jews so although it did reflect public opinion it could have also been used as propaganda to ‘rally the troops’ it cannot be classed as totally reliable as it was published in an Arab newspaper therefore it could be bias.

        Source D is a written source from a newspaper in which the former British Prime Minster and Foreign Minister, Lord Douglas Home, blames the Six Day War on U Thant the United Nations Secretary-General at the time. It explains that the War could have been avoided if it wasn’t for a “blunder” by U Thant. It goes on to say that his mistake was that he did not “stand up” to president Nasser of Egypt when he ordered the UN forces out of Sharm-al-Sheik in May, 1967.

        This is true as had the UN forces stayed they would have prolonged or even stopped the war yet they would also have damaged the relationships between the UN and the Middle East. Also UN troops are only allowed to stay in a country if they are invited and have the permission of the government of the country they are occupying. Therefore they were forced to leave as Nasser the Egyptian President asked them to. This supports statement a) as it proves that it was President Nasser of Egypt was the one who ordered the UN forces out of Egypt for only one reason as they were getting in the way of his war effort.  

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        Lord Douglas new this however therefore he must be saying this for a reason which again comes back to the Suez Crisis in which the UN condemned the way in which Britain acted. This might make this source not totally reliable as it might just be a revenge statement from Britain towards the UN to get back at them for doing the same against them with the Suez Crisis. Although I would value this source more reliable than the previous source as evidence of the Arab-Israeli conflict as it is written by a newspaper that is more independent from the ...

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