The Social Structure of The Egyptian Old Kingdom

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The Social Structure of The Egyptian Old Kingdom

  The Old Kingdom had a rigid class system with little or no chance for a person to improve their social standing. The classes are listed below in order of highest to lowest.

  • Pharaoh

The ruler, said to be the son of a god and a god himself, had greatest privileges.

  • Nobles

Noble families ruled over districts and were responsible for keeping their districts in order. Other nobles might take positions as high-ranking administrators, military leaders, or priests.

  • Soldiers

The military ranged from middle to upper class. Some officials had very high social standing.

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The Scribal class formed Egypt’s bureaucracy. They kept records and kept the government in order. Some were both scribes and priests.

  • Merchants

The very small number of merchants in ancient Egypt usually traveled on the Nile by boat, selling goods.

  • Artisans

There were a small number of artisans in ancient Egypt who worked to build tombs for the pharaoh and the nobles. There social standing was just above farmers.

  • Farmers

The largest part of the population was made up of farmers. They paid their taxes by labouring in public projects. While forming the peasant class, they were not ...

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