Why was the cold war in place by c.1946?

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Adam Baldwin

Why was the cold war in place by c.1946?

By 1946 a time of great hostility and fear had developed between the USA and USSR, this was due to many reasons and events, some dating back to the beginning of the century. But by 1946 a cold war had begun, meaning no direct conflicts but a period of time filled with mistrust and suspicion. The USA and USSR shared very different ideologies. The USA were capitalist and were opposed the ideology of communism embraced by the USSR. This in itself was not enough to cause tension; it was the fear of one another’s ideology that caused the tension. The USA were frighten of communist ideals spreading the USA, and ‘corrupting’ the country and its thriving economy. The USSR was fearful of US hostility towards communism. This hostility of the west towards communism was made clear in 1917 where the western ‘whites’ of the rest tried to quash the communist revolution. This fear of communism from the west has caused them to act in the past, why wouldn’t they do this again?

Before World War Two broke the mistrust and fear of one another grew. The USSR even tried to negotiate an alliance with the west, which was rejected and therefore obviously angered Stalin as he saw this as the west not trusting him. Both the west and USSR saw the common threat of Hitler and both on the defence tried to strike deals with him. But these acts of negotiation gave off very different messages to each other. Both the USA and USSR saw one another dealing with enemy of Hitler, in an attempt to gang up against each other. This therefore further increased suspicion.

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It was only when Hitler implemented operation Barbarossa when the two sides became allied. Stalin didn’t refer to this as an alliance but as an ‘anti-nazi coalition’. This showed the west he had no desire to be allied with them, but was merely due to necessity.  The western allies created the alliance on the same grounds as the British were “backs against the wall” and would “have dealt with the devil himself”. More so Churchill was privately disgusted with Stalin’s policies.

Events throughout the war increased mistrust between the powers. The delay of the D Day landings ...

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