WSC HISTORY QUESTION ANSWERS - Problems of Succession and the Triumvirate in Rome

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History The Triumvirates were a group of three leaders sharing power in Rome. The first Triumvirate took place from 60 to 54 BC. Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus and Pompeius Magnus co-ruled, aiming to bring order to Rome. Crassus was killed in 53 BC during a battle against the Parthians, where he was determined to conquer Parthia so he could take its riches; this ended the Triumvirate. After Crassus died, Pompeius Magnus and Julius Caesar started a civil war that ended in Caesar's favour. Julius Caesar led Rome until he was murdered in 43 BC. Subsequently, a new triumvirate was created. The two potential rulers were Octavian (Caesar's grandson and legitimate successor) or Anthony (Julius's military second in command). Lepidus, an ally of the killed ruler,  helped merge the two into a triumvirate with him to rebuild the Roman republic and gain revenge on the murderers of Julius Caesar. Unfortunately, their greed for power resulted in Octavian exiling Lepidus. Without Lepidus to control Antony and Octavian, Octavian illegally got hold of
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Anthony’s will. Even though scholars were perplexed whether it was real or forged, it was enough to support Octavian for a battle against Antony. With Cleopatra, he committed suicide, as he was chased down to Alexandria. It ended with Octavian ruling the Roman Empire throne on his own. As shown, power isn’t best when shared as in both triumvirates, the rulers ended up taking each other out because of ambition and ego. But in today’s world, I think establishing co-rulers in a business or company is an effective way of leading a successful workstation. When more opinions are accumulated, more ...

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