Truman Show essay . Analyse how visual techniques are used to develop deeper ideas in a visual text you have studied.

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Analyse how visual techniques are used to develop deeper ideas in a visual text you have studied.  

The film “Truman Show” directed by Peter Weir is about a character named Truman Burbank and his remarkable journey in escaping a world full of deceit and lies and finding personal freedom. His journey helps present the idea that a true life with the risks of emotional pain is better than one safe imprisonment. This is a deeper idea because the search for personal freedom and truth is a universal idea. It is human nature to seek the truth. Weir used various film techniques to engage the audience by use of camera shots and angles, dialogue, music and costume.

The Truman Show is about a man named Truman Burbank, “the first baby to be adopted by a corporation.” who lives in the fictional town of Seahaven, which is actually a TV set created by Christof the producer of “the Truman show” in the film. Weir brings out subtle humour in the movie by creating ironic names for his characters  Like the main character’s name “True-man” , Truman himself is the only very real person who naively believes in everything the producer and the actors wants him to believe in this fake made-up town.  The main character alone has no idea that he lives in a giant TV studio, where thousands of cameras capture his every movement, which is teleported into the living rooms of a worldwide audience.  Another ironic name in the movie is “Christof”, a manipulative character in the show who maintains a God like figure throughout the film. We see the power of Christof from the very beginning as The film opens on a close-up of the face of Christof who speaks directly to the camera “We’ve become bored with watching actors give us phoney emotions. While the world (Truman) inhabits is in some respects counterfeit, there is nothing fake about Truman himself... Nothing you see on this show is fake.  It’s merely controlled.” And yet we learn gradually throughout the film that everything on the televised life of Truman Burbank is set up, directed and acted out as an entertainment for a viewing audience showing Truman’s entrapment.

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We see Truman for the very first time in the next scene, where he is seen through a double frame within the actual frame of our screen. Firstly he is framed by a television monitor screen border that has the word ‘LIVE’ in green at the bottom right hand corner. Within this oval shaped frame along the bottom are cosmetic bottles, which show that there is a camera hidden in the bathroom mirror capturing Truman. However, Truman believes he is on his own and comes across naïve and innocent. This also differentiates Truman from Meryl and Marlon who are filmed ...

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This is an excellent essay which systematically analyses the techniques used by the film maker. At times it veers towards mere description which is necessary when writing an essay on a visual text. Accurate use of technical vocabulary throughout and effects of techniques used are always included. Some appropriate inclusion of self selected quotes. Perceptive comments when analysing various techniques. In places this essay would have benefited from proof reading.